Monsoon on a plane and flew onto a dirt strip in the middle of a jungle. [1] The camp took its name from its Special Forces radio call sign.[2][3]. just like this for nearly 100 miles. (.308) N.Match ammo. Note the corrugated metal for roofing The transport convoy escorts for Operation CONDOR II were provided by C Company. My husband was with the Bear Cats during the move from Phu Bai to Delta in 69. HQ were also located there. Jan 22, 2016 - Explore Jacky Parker's board "9TH infantry division" on Pinterest. Our job was Our barracks were not to far from the PX. To say that hes glad he did would be an understatement. Armored Personnel Carrier, 30) Their flight in a C-7A Caribou of the Royal Thai Air Force (aircraft mission #21) was scheduled to depart Bearcat at 0700 hours and arrive in Can Tho at 0815 hours. How they can make money with so many Today, Bear Cat is an Army Officer's School for the Vietnamese Army, a Oh yes, we learned to not wear our MP covers on QL-15 patrol, we found out they were pretty big targets. 6 October A squad + from A Company relieved the temporary four man C Company Detachment at the Bearcat base camp, 9th Infantry Division Provost Marshals Office. I remember sleeping on the ground for 2 weeks while waiting for our equipment to catch up to us. 20 August An engineer company of the Royal Thai Army Voluntary Forces (RTAVF) Regiment of the Queens Cobras arrived at Bearcat from the U.S. Army Newport Terminal, and it began work on at the base camp preparing facilities for the arrival of the main party. III Corps, Republic of Vietnam, 1967. . Great stories and memories, Jack. Bearcat from the air. of the Army recognizing my time with the 86th and VA because of Dept. Even after his return to the United States, decades passed before he decided that he should do something with that box. HQ & A Co All of the vertical construction is being accomplished by the Thais. For some reason I heard this, 71) I fondly remember Bob Hope putting on a show. Buy 9th infantry division Vietnam veteran T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. I introduced mtpyselfcas former Company Commander of US Army unit stationed at Bearcat July 69 to Jan 1970. from 1969-70Sgt. we were served was too bad to eat. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Korea On a scrounging mission, found a US unit living seconds.). 101--Roots of a War--Despite cordial relations between American intelligence . Martha Raye show Bearcat Sept. 67 . Writing. GENERAL 1964-73 MAC-V Tour 365 . I plugged it in shortly after I arrived and left it running when I left. 3/39th Inf. There wasa strip for. stocked here. To say the least, Gene was exhausted and we didnt talk about it for the remainder of that day. Microsoft Bing. I did my Training at Fort Riley Kansas and was shipped off on The USS General John Pope. (I think B company). Reactivation of the 9th Infantry Division, nicknamed the "Old Reliables," took place at Fort Lewis on May 20, 1972. Wish I knew where the old crew was . Then they racked a 60 and scared the S out of me. Have Great Christmas!! The explosions and fires lasted for days. Our unit had a swimming pool between the officers club and the EM club. Many thanks To work with the U.S. Military Police is a great honor. Through cooperation and working together we have established a good relationship with the troops.. Vietnam Time line 3/5 CAV Black Knights. and choppers - very tricky landing when you can't see the ground, 35) Its elements provided heavy artillery support to the Battalions Tactical Area Of Responsibility during Operation STABILIZE from September 1967 through September 1970, when the base became home to the 25th Infantry Division who moved from Tay Ninh & Cu Chi and took over the civic action & security in the Battalion's former Tactical Area Of Responsibility until they stood down and returned stateside on. SP/4 William H. Antila, A Company, 720th MP Battalion, August 1968-November 1969. home of the 9th Infantry Division and its many supporting elements. Widely considered the definitive resource on the Vietnam War, Where We Were identifies the name, location and provides a brief historical synopsis of every military installation, firebase, landing zone, airfield, port, signal site, vessel and significant terrain feature of the American war in Vietnam. I always found them. WelcomeHome Brother! I went to 5/60 mech in Binh Phouc and later rotated out and went to the 3/39 in Rach Kien. I was a pilot (Major) with the 200th Assault Support Helicopter (ASH) Company Jan. 15 to Mar 10, 1968, at Bearcat. Tech Center before being drafted. We searched the National Archives Catalog and located series and file units in the Records of the U.S. The memories and images that had been buried for decades became the opposite of hidden, motivating Gaynor to reorganize his life around a new mission. This Face Book Page is dedicated to the men who served and died with the 4th/47th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division. I remember pulling guard duty many a night on those rat infested bunkers at Camp Eagle. As a second lieutenant, I was generally second in command of a sector and had the privilege of walking the perimeter to check on the guards while my superior slept. On the way downvthe steps leaving the building, she offered me a job as English Instructor at the military university. Although the rear echelons (behind the lines) were considered safe in conventional wars, there were no safe places in Vietnam and standing guard was vitally important duty. Gypsy Bandits. Behind the berm the trees you see are part of a mangrove plantation. We watched it move the tree line back with no problem. 7) Commanding General. Jeep art -- Snoopy was popular back then. At 2028 Hours, the escort unit finally made it to the safety of the base and its hospital. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form.. There are cultural issues to be reconned with in order to become even more competetive in international markets, but the country appears stable with not a whole lot of grumbling by citizens. In late April 1967, 4/31 Infantry was reassigned to the newly activated 23d Infantry Division (Americal), operating in Quang Ngai, Chu Lai, and the Que Son Valley for the rest of the war. Also, great place as compared to conditions with 101st. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. Later, the division was an important unit of the United States Army in World War II and the Vietnam War. Television The POW's were captured during Operation PADDINGTON. The company had portable generators but they were seldom used because the base had a central generator by that time. Good luck. 28) Scenes Infantry School Apparently this goes on for a while and the toy starts getting closer to a navy boat. Us Armor. I'd guess 66 & 67? . shops. When we were watching the bridge, the engineers also left a task. in Dec 1966. Shortly after arrival in Bearcat. I left Two Bits @ Bong Son back to Nha Trang then on to Bearcat. Maybe I found it. arrived. A Special Thanks to a Friend of all Vietnam Veterans WASSI, Inc . Just stumbled onto your site. We were visiting the Royal Thai Military Nurses Academy. In my opinion, we might have been unimportant during our day jobs, but guard duty was the most important job on the base. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. Whats the Significance of the Missing ManTable?, Photographs from Vietnam That Changed a VeteransLife, Videos, Film, Music, and Movies about VN War, A Chat Between Three Veterans [live video with author], Lest We Forget Meet the Authors & Book Signing April 4th: Cherries and Donut Dolly, Interview with author John Podlaski in Examiner Magazine, American Heroes Radio interviews author of Cherries A Vietnam War Novel, Cherries Author Interviewed on British Website, U.K. Blogspot posts interviews author, John Podlaski, More Book Reviews and author interviews about Cherries,,, Podcast: Mother Nature and the InfantrySoldier. 4 - 8 December During convoy Operations CANARY, DUCK & IOLA the 720th MP Battalion was tasked with traffic control and security in support of elements of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, 5th & 6th Battalions of the Royal Australian Regiment, in support of elements of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade (LIB) and 9th Infantry Divisions move from debarkation at the Port of Vung Tau to their new base camps at Long Binh and Bearcat, respectively. I seem to remember them finding a tunnel complex the lead into the camp. Within a half hour he popped off a couple of rounds headed for the Thai artillery area. At time it was unbelievably loud.One night the side of our bunker just fell way! I have two pics of being in the boonies. 27 July 1LT Joseph L. J. Brillion, A Company, was assigned as the Bear Cat Deputy Provost Marshal. Sleep was always a premium as you worked 7 days a week from 7AM to 9 PM plus travel and having to fill sand backs after work. Monsoon season. I arrived in Vietnam the afternoon before the first day (evening) of the '68 Tet Offensive. Sponsored April Under the Intensified Vietnamization Program the bulk of the Royal Thai Volunteer Forces Headquarters detachment returned to Thailand with their Navy, that staffed two ships, and the Sea Horse Landing Ship Tank (LST) component deployed to Vietnam in 1967, and all that remained at Bearcat was a token force of 204 personnel. Hospital at Bearcat 1967 Bear Cat PX. We learned in the beginning to keep our heads down and be aware of our surroundings. We further widened the perimeter out some 1,000 meters for fields of We spent the first couple weeks digging trenches, filling them in and moving the tents to other areas and digging more trenches. 24 February As part of the USARV Intensified Vietnamization Program, the 25th Infantry Division's 2nd Brigade Task Force II was being redeployed from the Cu Chi area in Tay Ninh Province to be part of the defensive ring around Saigon It sounded like the whole place was under attack. Man, this is something to read. Hq & A Co. and the 709th Bn. Its a difficult emotional stress [to revisit that time] but I had to do it, he says. But keep watching this blog. very expensive sneakers. way to mount a 106RR on a 113 APC so they would have more firepower. I was a FTG REMF in June 69 (550th Signal) and pulled guard duty at Bearcat 3 consecutive nights before I was detached and sent to the Naval Combat base at Nha Be. We did take some mortars or rockets one night but nothing heavy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Trucks were named 'Pittsburgh Pimps' thanks to a hulking black Sgt. To review your tour in the Battalion Timeline, use the To Vietnam Main Index link above. I hope that you got a free copy of my book about Vietnam, based on these blog postings. I was with 1st Aviation Brigade at LTN which was more or less next door to Bearcat. I believe this was a SF camp in an old French He is not doing well and having contact with anyone who served with him would be the best medicine he could receive. I also arrived on the (grin and) Barrett with 9th Signal Btn. We landed by ship in Vietnam in October of 1968. Thank you in advance! The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. Local kids Long Binh was the home of the largest supply and administrative post in the Though Gaynor admits that his expectations for the results were low, he went along with the idea. (May '70 -Dec'71 ext). We disembarked at the port of Vung Tau and convoyed to Bear Cat Fire Base. 27 May 1LT Jason R. Gettinger, Jr. departed as Deputy Provost Marshal at Bearcat. In Vietnam . Everyone sort of came and went with little fanfare. A bunker manned 24/7 by the Military Police flanked both sides of each entrance. The worst thing beside the snakes was the rats. If you got that patrol, you were out all day. Another time it was a cobra, 39) We turned onto the dirt road from the hiway and headed for the edge of the rubber plantation and the area our Signal Company had existed 30 years before. It was one of 3 in country on its trial run. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. We would wait till about 2:00 AM to make our raids. After 2/3 months we all went our separate ways. According to Signalman Quigley it was almost a forgone conclusion that the alert status at any time was always yellow or red. Only worried about how good (or lucky) the guys slinging the mortars might be. Since my 19 straight months in the Vietnam conflict, my newest wife and I have spent an additional 6 1/2 years working in Vietnam. The Division incurred 2,624 causalities and was inactivated in 1969, then reactivated in 1972 and served as an equipment testing Division at Ft. Lewis, Washington . Local kids In 1969, I was a USAF radio operator with a FAC unit attached to the Thai Army at Bearcat, my last six months in country. Capitialism forces are strong and are being hugely successful. 49% of the population were Viet Cong. Hookers came into our hooches at night after they left the thai soldier massage parlor, that was off limits to the americans. I also highly recommend I arrived at Bear Cat in Nov. of 1967. A combined U.S. and Thai MP Desk was formed and motorized patrols were assigned. All specific significant dated events and corresponding "dated or mission specific" photographs of this detachment-convoy Timeline have been incorporated into the main Battalion Timeline pages. Theyve continued to reward me and live on.. All comments welcomed. Oh Dark Thirty 12 August The third increment of the Royal Thai Volunteer Force Black Panther Regiment completed its deployment to Bearcat to replace the first increment, which returned to Thailand. Sorry I can't remember your face, but maybe you'll The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. He had spent his 13 months in the field artillery creating pictures, too. If anyone hasn't seen the video on you tube of the barrett, from 1966 check it out. seconds. The 9th Infantry Division arrived in Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Ft Riley, KS and departed Vietnam for Ft Lewis, WA on 27 August 1969. An Army Officer training facility is all that is left of our Humor How Many Vietnam Veterans are Alive Today? Bear Cat, was one of our two primary spots to locate. Looking for any others. the, white hospital ship. This is the supply platoon area, Hq & A Co. contact team sites in bad guy country, 38) We were then replaced by a full platoon of Korean infantry. Felt much more secure when the 9th were in charge. The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. Now at 64 I feel their loss more then ever before. Have a look! Bear Cat was the shops in Saigon and environs. There are hundreds of thousands of veterans as well as active duty personnel connecting there. I truly enjoyed working with you guys for my entire year. Rep. Mac Huddleston flew helicopters out of here for a while. Oh, we had a visit within 5 minutes from the OIC and got an earful for probably a half an hour. The best part of being there was leaving :). . Only about ten percent of us did guard duty. Nobody brought me coffee while on guard duty. 3rd Battalion, 39th Infantry (Infantry) Arrived Vietnam: 1 Jan 1967 Departed Vietnam: 8 Aug 1969 Previous Station: Fort Riley Strength: 818. Local kids I pulled guard on the South Eastern corner by the 5/42. When I arrived I was due to leave country mid Feb. but they held me up I believe for about 1 or 2 weeks not happy. The name Bear Cat is found spelled two ways, Bearcat or Bear Cat. Overall base camp was pretty quiet few rockets and morters made us jump into bunkers every now and then. There were only empty bags when we I was in a Civic Action group and left the airbase every day to "Win Hearts and Minds". Monsoon season. Bearcat He became a consultant on the Vietnam-reenactor documentary In Country, which is out on video on demand on April 28. 101st. We were heading to the blown bridge to check and guard. Convoys leaving or entering at the berm entrance. 6) If you think the bunkers were bad when you were there they were really bad for us, never went down stayed on top. The 3/5 Cav was organized as a Divisional reconnaissance unit for the 9th Infantry Division and arrived in Vietnam with the Division in late 1966. Buy 9th infantry division Vietnam veteran Tank Top: Shop top fashion brands Tanks & Camis at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases My name is Christopher hill I landed Danang July 1 1968 I Corp area First Marine Division. some of our guys wound up with girlfriends, not me. laborers, office workers, professional worked here. JOURNEY TO VIETNAM 31 May 68 Oakland, Ca. Unit was: 9th Infantry Division, 9th Admin Co Where served: Camp Bearcat VietNam When served: 1967-1968 . I was there Oct 66 to Oct 67. Vietnam Tank. There the 9th fought with distinction in 8 campaigns as part of the Riverine Force. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Best time to draw was 8-10 and 2-4. Welcome Home Brothers! The personnel assigned to A Company for convoy escort purposes were reassigned to C Company, and personnel from C Company that were assigned to provost marshal offices at Di An, Lai Khe, Tay Ninh and Xuan Loc were reassigned to A Company. When it was in full fire mode the ground litterally trembled. The 104th was still operational right to the last days of the war and Australia's withdrawn. I guess we just missed each other. 49) This was the sign along Hwy 15 when entering Bearcat . Most were hiding in abandoned hooch's and bunkers on post left vacant when the Thai Queen's Cobra Regiment moved out. We felt this was the berm because there were some fairly old I too was with the 5/42 Field Artillery. I was OIC of that sector several times. But the world he encountered when he got back to the United States wasnt exactly ready to look at them, and neither was he. CAMP BEARCAT, HEADQUARTERS for the 9th Infantry Division, was about one mile in length by one half mile in width, surrounded by a berm of dirt pierced by two main entrances on the western side. Two combined patrols during daylight hours and one during the evening hours. But harkening back to Bearcat, my Company Clerk and command driver wrote me that the garden my wife had planted in front lawn of Company HQ was being well taken care of by the Company members. The Mama & Papasans were letting us know that there was someone in the water caught in the truck. What a joke. All wood of buildinfpgs was gone. All 40 years ago. This brings back a lot of memories. All the guys in the detachment spent a bit of time on QL-15. streets were, improved with crushed laderite gravel and Bearcat was the base camp. (He is the only openly gay officer of the American Legion of whom he knows, he said.) I do remember doing alot of guard duty at the 2 gates. 24) The 1st moved from Bearcat to Di An in October 1966, and the base became a stopover for the newly arrived 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division from 12 October to November 1966 before they moved to Dau Tieng. Long Binh is now a small Vietnamese army installation and a large Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park. How much do you know about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and itsSentinels? Untrained but inspired by combat photographers, he brought one of the eras ubiquitous Brownie camerasbefore investing $94 in an Asahi Pentax SLRto record his experience. In the year 1999, my newer wife, also Vietnamese, and I motorcycled to Bearcat from Saigon. I recently retired from the military (8 years in the USMC and 20 years Army) and am making dioramas of 9th Infantry Division Units in Vietnam as military miniatures are my hobby. I had the tasks of unloading parts, clearing drainage ditches, and other odd jobs. Well, no. The U.S. MPs were praised by their Thai counterpart, LT Prasit, from Bangkok, Thailand, the MP Duty Officer. Only the three of us for 12 long hours. HI to all My Name is Harry Ingram arrived RVN Aug 1967 with the 548th Maint Co out os Ft Benning our heavy equipment didnt arrive as scheduled was sent to 11th ACR at Black Horse got back to the 549th in Jan 1968 then transfered to the 590th at Bearcat trying to contact anyone that was there guys on my contact team that went to the Mekong Delta are you out there Blair, Nueman or Newland Edward went over to gunships in the Bounty Hunter platoon My best Friend Sorry to tell you Ed died of cancer at the age of 49 went back to Vermont to see him before he passed Great Trooper Best t all Harry. Agency, Mac Gordon, the House of Representative's Public Information Director Based on Hunt's experience as colonel and division chief of staff, the volume documents how the 9th Division's combat effectiveness peaked in 1969. Thank you brother Chris great photos WELCOME HOME BROTHER. On our trip into the delta, shops lined the road 53) Election 2016 We just wanted to bring our hearts and minds back in one piece. Live it well so that they didn't die in vain. He had been AWOL for 8 months and was a member of the 1st Infantry Division. The primary allied units stationed at Bearcat in 1969 were elements of the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Forces, 173rd Airborne Division, and a varied collection of assorted helicopter transport and assault units, artillery, armor, transportation, logistics and communications elements. I'm sure everyone is happy to see that you too survived the experience. Due to the constant enemy activity on the roadways of III Corps Tactical Zone during and after the 31 January Tet New Years Offensive and its following May Mini-Tet attacks, the 9th Infantry Division (rear) Transportation Headquarters at Bearcat requested escort assistance for their critical night convoy supply runs from Bearcat to the U.S. Army Newport Terminal on Highway-1A (#316), and back. Thousands upon thousands of military people of all types and Vietnamese What an experience for a whole year there. 11 May CPT Rafael Cortes-Dapena was reassigned from his position of Deputy Provost Marshal at the Bearcat Detachment. Photos of Bear Cat. I never saw anything or fired but it was nerve racking. I was in the 9th Sig Bn at bearcat also, via USNS Barrett, Dec 1966 to Vungtau The division operated primarily in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, operating in conjunction with Mobile Riverine Force and Brown Water Navy. shot along highways just showing, 20) Scenes Thanks for your service and thanks for writing about your experiences. Gaynor notes that most of his photos, some of which can be seen above, arent of the dramatic scenes familiar from war photography. The 9th Infantry Division shifted its headquarters and battalion deployments a couple months after I departed in May, 1968. Finding the pictures completely changed my life. I was glad we had some of the 4th Inf there to protect us. The Vietnamese make very low wages, Nike sells Early in the Vietnam War, the 1st Special Forces established a base there. Served with the 590th from Oct 67 to Oct 68. Since I had an engineer insignia they had me drive a rough terrain forklift. It has been 51 years but so many memories. 25 August 1998. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. Regards. Thank you for sharing the photos and the documentation which says so much emotionally in its factual presentation. harbor, 70) I hope that life is treating you well. Tan An and then Tan Tru, home for my platoon supporting the 2nd/60th Inf, Let us know in the comment section below. Thanks. He told me a story about guard duty. Military Working Dogs . There are no words to describe how it affected me. I recall Bearcat as a GREAT PLACE as compared to my first tour in VN, Aug 1965-July1966, with the 1st Cav. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. There is not a day that I dont think about my friends that I left over there KIA. Does anyone have info regarding Agent Orange exposure to us at Bearcat/Long Thanh location? Dear Mr. Sanders, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! Assumed, command in Ft Riley about a month before one side of the perimeter berm. kinds of pictures. The camp was located on Route 15, 16km southeast of Bin Ha. Make sure you set aside a considerable amount of time for this project as you may run into tough spots and problem areas that will eat up a lot of time. It is great to read about others who were in the same place and time! for the 9th Inf Division during 1967. Their area of operations was the Mekong Delta, located south of Saigon. Dry dirt to standing water in 30 The building with camp, 62) Wish I could remember the name of our ship. One night halfway through my tour, I pulled guard duty with a FNG. I was a replacement guy so didn't know a soul but was welcomed by everyone. Later i volunteered for permanent berm nightly guard duty, got me out of working during the day. I never made a fuss, just released contents of clear plastic bags to the breezes flowing through the company parade ground as my fine leader and man of goid humor First Sargeant "Curly"Hays stood by. HQ were also located there. Food During the rescue Gene never thought of himself or the danger he put himself in. Since the Battalions A Company was already escorting night supply convoys under Operation OVERTAKE, the request was incorporated into their mission utilizing the assistance of C Company. Before the year was up, he decided to leave the country. Five of our men were wounded and ten sappers died. Note how narrow they are. Sometimes on the 50's as I was qualified on the gun. 200th later re-designated A Co, 159th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion of the 101st. The next picture are the tents we lived in. The Division trained at Fort Riley, Kansas, and deployed to Vietnam in 1967. February Members of the A Company Detachment at Bearcat were tasked with training the Thai Royal Army Forces, Armored Cavalry unit in the operation, maintenance and tactical application of their new V100 Armored Commando Cars. Have been trying hard to locate/connect with others that I served with. Army 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug-Oct . Recon Platoon. up. Sea Scouts resting place of two brave mice who invaded someone's, hooch one night. From there we were of to Bear Cat. Went TDY with 86th Engr. But now stuff keeps popping up. Looking at the pictures put me right back into the jungle as if I were a 21-year-old soldier again.. Podcast: What was it like to hump the boonies in Vietnam? It was completely overwhelming. Far from the Vietnam War the EM club War, the Division an! Out on video on demand on April 28 did take some mortars or rockets one night provided C! Have established a good relationship with the 590th from Oct 67 to Oct.. 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Riverine Force the building with camp, 62 ) Wish i could remember name... Be aware of our ship 5 minutes from the OIC and got an earful for a. It out i also arrived on the ( grin and ) Barrett 9th... 159Th Assault support Helicopter Battalion of the 1st Special Forces radio call sign. [ 2 [! The worst thing beside the snakes was the rats Forces radio call sign. [ 2 ] [ ]... And thanks for your service and thanks for writing about your experiences for research purposes, and is in... Least, Gene was exhausted and we didnt talk about it for the Thai 's. Have been trying hard to locate/connect with others that i served with 590th! Bearcat or Bear Cat, was one of our guys wound up with,... 1966 check it out is treating you well of whom he knows, he says he off. A day that i dont think about my friends that i served with the and...
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