This is the power of the Arabic language. When this opening occurs, this person persists in this meaning linked Descargar Dala il al Khayrat 1.0 para PC gratis #1. Imam al-Jazuli found that the scholars have served the prophetic inheritance in so many different ways, so he sought to gather a comprehensive collection of different modes of sending blessings upon the Prophet . After some weeks, we received the ijaza of the former Queen of Libya, Fatima Shifa' (may Allah preserve her), who relates the work through the Sanusiyya of Libya back to Imam Jazuli. And these gatherings lasted for hundreds of years. These generally involve, on the one hand, the arrangement of the text of Dalail ul-Khayrat itself, and, on the other, the addition of certain other well known formulations of blessings and supplications which are traditionally placed either before or after the main text (eg. The turbulent political environment of Simlala in the fifteenth century forced the Shaykh to leave his homeland because its culture of violence made serious scholarship impossible. From beginning to end, we placed the ornaments traditionally used to mark pauses in the recital, based on the rhythm, rhyme, length, and meaning of the phrases. May Allah reward the author, those who made this publication, and may all mankind be benefited by this work of salawat sharif. Ameen. 355 0 obj <> endobj Imam al Jazuli made his ablutions, and then turned to her and said, Tell me how you reached this rank. She said, By saying the Blessings upon him whom beasts lovingly followed as he walked through the wilds (Allah bless him and give him peace). Imam al Jazuli then vowed to compose the book of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) which came to be known as his Dalail al Khayrat or 'Waymarks of Benefits.'. Later on, Sidi al-Jazuli moved to Afwiral, a Sus village in Morocco, where he established his zawiya that became a centre of spirituality attracting 12665 disciples of his. "Dalail al Khayrat., "There would be no Shaykh Ba-Dhib mentions as an example of this inherited concern of the great scholars, the ijaza of one of the important critical editions in our times of the Dalail al-Khayrat that was gathered from many manuscripts, many written from the lifetime of the author Imam al-Jazuli, by the distinguished scholar Shaykh Nuh Keller. A young girl saw this and came to his assistance. Many people, to this day, visit his student lodging in Madrasat as-Saffarin in Fes. Ibrahim Batchelder, an American craftsman specialized in Islamic fine arts and design, helped us with this and many other matters connected with the ornamentation. The same if you say Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad . As-salatu wa salamu alayka ya Sayyidina ya Muhammad. Your email address will not be published. So he lived in the 9th century Hijri and he gathered this work Dalail al-Khayrat. They were required to fast, practice solitary devotion and adhere to his methods of discipline. Everything was finished by July 2005, twenty-five months after we began, and may Allah be praised. ~Shaykh Nazim Haqqani~, While speaking with beloved Habib Composed in the 15th century by the Moroccan Sufi Scholar, Muhammad Sulaiman al-Jazuli ash Shadhili, the Dalil al-Khayrt (Waymarks of Benefits) was the first major book in Islamic history to compile litanies of peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad. This is the effects of the praise of on the Imam Ahmad al-Sawi relates that one day Jazuli went to perform his ablutions for the prescribed prayer from a nearby well but could not find any means to draw the water up. Voc pode baixar Dalail ul Khayrat with Urdu English Guide 2.0 diretamente em Prophet Muhammad, ? xWkPSG$. j((E P)E CcK18DA%JAD( Z[>:Zc%` EGLr9ssv P @3 t@l6#%\!OIOq8EwghxnBP~M6]xA=hTwNmDv?PSc+.5Z/62yrnk=;:@ . Al-Jazuli then resolved to write a work collecting litanies of prayers asking God to bless and show mercy and kindness to Muhammad. Shaykh Ba-Dhib mentions specifically about the great scholarly and righteous families of Mecca and Shaykh Ba-Dhib worked for over a dozen years as one of the editorial researchers for the encyclopedia of Mecca He mentions many families who generation after generation, they transmitted the ijaza of the Dalail and who inherited the mashikah of Dalail al-Khayrat. This is a book which will safely take you to He revealed that he was the Renewer of his era (Mujaddid) and he opposed the methods of the scholars, who themselves were corrupt and averse to spiritual refinement, causing the people to go astray. He read his His nisba (Attributional Name) tells us the he came from the Simlala tribe, one of the most important Sanhaja Berber groups in Jazula. Sobre 1 usurios avaliaram uma mdia 1,0 de 5 sobre Dalail ul Khayrat with Urdu English Guide. Many have Create a free website or blog at to this action; and makes it a means of attaining his needs." 47 showing illustrations of the Great Mosque of Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque. Imam al-Jazuli would often tell his students to write down his words, as they were divinely inspired. They are all, if they are in agreement with the Arabic language, relied upon. With Dala'il ul-Khayrat you must be firm, Read it to obtain your wishes, Lights appear and blaze thereby, O my Brother, it is never to be abandoned. Suhrawardi is the author of the Awarif ul-Maarif, which is recognized as a masterpiece work in Tasawwuf. Our typesetter and computer graphics artist Sohail Nakhooda assured us that he could get the best cooperation out of the staff there in the final steps of combining the many electronic elements of each page. Habib `Umar ibn Hafizh (God preserve him) was asked regarding the Dalail al-Khayrat of Imam al-Jazuli (God be pleased with him), What are the benefits of reciting Dalail al-Khayrat?, Short Biography of the Knower of Allah, Imam al-Jazuli, [Adapted from The Encyclopedia of Islam, 1957 Leiden]. It is one of those rare books that has become so popular that the number of printed copies remains unknown. If a person wishes to attain divine blessings for a particular need by means of it, then it should be with the condition that his self in general has one resolve. commentary on the Dalail al Khayrat recorded that Shaykh al-Mursi said: Although the date of Imam al-Jazoulis birth is not known, enough information exists to provide a rough outline of his origins and background. This is extremely beautiful, well bound, with a clear text. So this chain starts in Libya and then goes to the great scholars in Mecca who came from different lands, and it goes through great North African scholars and scholars from central and western Africa. Part 1, Each month we explore a topic related to the Dala'il Al Khayrat and The Prophet . Dalail ul Khairaat. 0000005002 00000 n The extended title of the book is Dalail Al Khayrat wa Shawariq Al-Anwar fi Dhikr al-Salat ala al-Nabi al-Mukhtar (The Guide to Goodness and the Advent of Blazing Lights in the Remembrance to ask for Blessings upon the Chosen Prophet). One source puts it at 16th Rabi al-Awwal 870/1465. Amghar traced his spiritual lineage through only six masters to the great founder of their order Abul Hasan al-Shadhili and thence back to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). The Muhaddith of India and Sufi Master, Shah Waliullah Dehlawi praised Dalail al-Khayrat with the following words: The Dalail Khairat at this time is recited by many people in the Arab world. All of them are correct and the reciter will be rewarded in any case. Names of The Prophet Names of Allah # Evidence of confusion in the character of the human being # Legal evidence of human creation # Evidence for the creation of man # Legal Evidence for the Origin of Man # The system of religion is beneficial # Navarmani - religion is a cause and a cure . We followed this system, and also the traditional way of handwriting corrections in the margins and indicating their place in the text with a small pen stroke. His full name was Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli al-Simlali al-Hasani. witnessed its unbelievable spiritual blessings and light. So it doesnt befit a person to listen to the tashweesh, to the naysayers, and the people spreading confusion about such works that are blessed. Many people repented and turned to Allah under his spiritual guidance. And there would be a Shaykh appointed for this gathering would be known as the Shaykh al-Dalail and this continued generation after generation. From the time of its authorship in fifteenth-century Fez by the Moroccan Shadhili sheikh Muhammad al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465), it swept throughout the whole of the Islamic World from North Africa to Indonesia. Names of The Prophet acquired Ludwig Gustav Alois Zhrer before 1960, Khalili Collections MSS 1138 showing the names "Allah" and "Mohammed". Dalailul Khairat is a great work on prayers upon the Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sallam. By careful comparison of manuscripts and commentaries, we corrected the traditional chapter headings and subtitles, dividing the work into the customary daily portions of halves, thirds, quarters, and eighths or hizbs or sections. The practice of naming the hizbs according to the days of the week proved unattested by the earliest sources, and even less probable since they number eight, not seven as do the days of the week. (Dalail al Khayrat) three times, he did Khatm 0000004092 00000 n While thus perplexed, he was seen by a young girl who called out from high above, You're the one people praise so much, and you can't even figure out how to get water out of a well? So she came down and spat into the water, which welled up until it overflowed and spilled across the ground. Under the supervision and direction of the leading authority on the traditional Islamic sciences Sheikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller, they have produced the most authentic edition of a book on one of the most central acts of worship in Islam: the Blessings (salawat/durood) on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Times have come, such as now, where these practices are not open anymore, but this norm that we have now is not the norm of history. Design a site like this with In fact, the book of Dalail ul Khayrat was welcomed by the Ummah east and west. them. Youre going to feel mercy. Sources differ about the year of his death, with several dates between 1465 and 1470 being given. This incident, in addition to his state of profound love for the Prophet , led the Imam to compose the Dalail ul-Khayrat. He became very worried. In 940/1533-4, roughly 70 years after his demise, his body was moved to Marrakesh at the order of Sultan Abu al-Abbas al-Araj in order to prevent tribesmen from exhuming his body. you don't have a Sufi Shaykh, then take Dalail Khaytat as your (Sufi Shaykh and Imam al-Jazuli prayed against the people of Asafi, and after two years, the Portuguese conquered the city and expelled the local population. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) [store_name]. The complete title of this works is Dalail ul-Khairat wa Shawariq ul-Anwar fi Dhikri s-Salat ala an-Nabiyyi l-Mukhtar (English: the Waymarks of Benefits and the Shining of Lights in the Remembrance of Blessings upon the Chosen Prophet). After finishing his studies, Imam al-Jazuli headed to the Doukkala region where was initiated into the Amghari Shadhiliyya Sufi order through the great saint Abu Abdallah Muhammad Amghar (d. 850/1446). In Arabic, if we say nar, nar, nar, which is the Arabic word for fire, fire, fire, youre going to feel some burning sensation at your tongue. The girl replied it was simply by "Making constant prayer for God to bless the best of creation by the number of breaths and heartbeats." Millions of Muslims have recited it, copied it out, and found its baraka, goodness, and light since its composition in the ninth/fifteenth century by Imam Muhammad al-Jazuli, a sheikh of our tariqa with only six masters between him and Abul Hasan al-Shadhili. raise His Awliya ever higher in His Nearness and keep us with al-Khayrat) is a sign from the signs of Allah regarding the sending of Marks from shaving on the day of his death were even said to have been visible on his face. Imam al-Jazuli, who compiled it, was himself a Knower of Allah. In the post-caliphal period of the present day, Imam Jazuli's masterpiece has been eclipsed by the despiritualization of Islam by reformers who have affected all but the most traditional of Muslims. know should listen in the gathering"~ Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani ~, Shaykh Muhammad al Ninowi about your new house, Qur'an, Ash-Shifa of Qadi Iyad, Dala'il khayrat of . Names of Allah Dala'il al-Khayrat is the first major book in Islamic history which compiled litanies of Dhikr (remembrance), Salam (peace) and Salawat/Durood (blessings) upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( ). Welcome to the Dala'il Al Khayrat website. Born in the 9th Hijri century, he was raised among the Gazulah Berbers of the Sus region in southern Morocco. The great imam gathered the Salawat that appear in the book from the Sunnah as well as direct inspiration to his heart. in that room right there (pointing to the room), fourteen years. If you say fire, fire, fire in Arabic nar, nar, nar, youre going to feel some burning sensation at your tongue and probably in the whole of your body. As the Moroccan hadith scholar Abdullah al-Talidi wrote of the Dalail al-Khayrat: Millions of Muslims from East to West tried it and found its good, its baraka, and its benefit for centuries and over generations, and witnessed its unbelievable spiritual blessings and light. Youre going to have karam. Bookmark the permalink . And there are others who actually complete it just in one day. Their differences being in terms of addition or subtractionor his preferring a wording over another. He also believed in adhering to spiritual masters, and taught that through them one receives illumination, mercy and secrets. The Dala'il Al Khayrat (also known as Dalailul Khairat, ) is a compilation of salawat, or sending of blessings and peace upon the Prophet. Dalail al-Khayrat), It is indispensable for all non-Arabic speakers. no trouble comes on him, who knows how to recite it should read and who dosen't Also has last dua of completion. Khayrat once every day for half an hour, you will begin to take on His ? %PDF-1.3 % That it befits any righteous believer to fill their time in devotion to Allah Most High. Generation after generation. Generally speaking, anyone who bestows abundant prayers upon the Prophet with truthfulness will be guided to his or her Shaykh.. The TextWe began in June 2003 with a survey of ninety-five manuscripts of the Dala'il from several countries. Whoever recites this salawat 500 times every day and night and is constant an illuminated ottoman dala'il al-khayrat Lot 22 | [Adapted from The Encyclopedia of Islam, 1957 Leiden]. Dala'il al-Khayrat, the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in history, was composed by the Sufi, wali, Muslim scholar of prophetic descent, and baraka of Marrakesh Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465). Referred to his grandfather, he is called shortly Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Suleiman al-Jazuli. 0000002523 00000 n From the time of its authorship in fifteenth-century Fez by the Moroccan Shadhili sheikh Muhammad al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465), it swept throughout the whole of the Islamic World from North Africa to Indonesia. tabarakallah! Required fields are marked *. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Staff. Then there came the scholars of fiqh and the scholars of Arabic grammar and the many other sciences each contributing to that prophetic legacy and inheritance such that our Ummah has this great civilisation connected back to Prophet . Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin fi l-awwalin. ", "If people knew the In the midst of his search al-Jazuli encountered a young girl who was aware of al-Jazuli's famed religiosity and was bewildered on why al-Jazuli could not find pure water. Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi (c. 1145 - 1234) was a Persian Sufi and nephew of Abu al-Najib Suhrawardi.He expanded the Sufi order of Suhrawardiyya that had been created by his uncle Abu al-Najib Suhrawardi, and is the person responsible for officially formalizing the order. One of the most palpable karamat or miraculous graces of the wali who composed it is the tremendous love for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) which Allah imbues in the hearts of those who recite it devotedly. This work has been undertaken and made available with the approval of my Shaykh and Teacher, Shaykh Nazim Al-Qubrusi Al-Haqqani (may Allah protect him always). . Having thus seen the benefit of invoking blessings upon the Prophet, Imam Jazuli decided to write Dala'il ul-Khayrat. benefits and baraka of Dalail al-Khayrat gatherings, they would crawl to attend He belonged to the Berber tribe of Jazula which is settled in the Sus area of Morocco between the Atlantic and the Atlas Mountains. prayer on the Prophet. Apart from Dalail al-Khayrat, Imam al-Jazuli authored two other prayer works. Prophet, Shaykh Hasan al-Adawi in his Seventy-seven (77) years after his death, his body was exhumed for removal to Marrakech and found to be uncorrupted. Dalail al-Khayrat, the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in history, was composed by the Sufi, wali, Muslim scholar of prophetic descent, and baraka of Marrakesh Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli (d. 870/1465). Shaykh Nuh Keller relates this from Sayyida Fatima of the Sanusi family, who was a distinguished hadith narrator herself, and she narrates from her chain of great Sanusi scholars going back to the distinguished Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ali as-Sanusi, who took from Shaykh Ahmed ibn Idris and from Shaykh Omar al-Attar. Dalail Al-Khayrat the most celebrated book in This is a ancient book with sound benefits. "How beautiful is this The fully accomplished shaykh is one who can acquire knowledge from Allah without any means. He told them they would be forgiven after 40 years. Quraani Masnoon Duaen. They came to Jordan twice, on their first visit providing samples and discussing color and style, and on their second bringing their tools, colors, and gold for the main work, which they completed in approximately fifty days. He became one of the Seven Men of Marrakech in addition to Sidi Qadi Ayaad, Sidi al-Abbas Sabti, Sidi Joussouf Ben Ali, Sidi Abdul Aziz, Sidi Moul al-Ksour, and Sidi al-Soheyli (may Allah be pleased with all of them). Works whose reward and benefit reaches both the one reciting them, and in these blessed chains back to these blessed authors such as Imam al-Jazuli. Dalail ul Khayrat or "ad-Dalil" as Moroccans prefer to call it, is considered as an exclusive source to make prayers upon Sayyiduna Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), as well as a correct and innovative piece of work ever published on the issue. 0000012557 00000 n The work remained without page numbers because none of the older copies had them, and section titles rendered them largely superfluous. Dalail-ul-Khayrat - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Dala'il Khayrat has since been seen as a testament of love and passionate longing for Muhammad. The Shaykh was fighting against the Portuguese at the time. ~Shaykh Nazim Haqqani~, When you are consistent with He said, My Lord said to me, My slave, I have preferred you over my entire creation by the abundance of your prayers upon My Prophet .. Some have adhered to the original format while others have included additional supplications. Dalail Ul Khairat. He wrote it for all people, regardless of their rank and spiritual path. Opening Dua In the midst of his search al-Jazuli encountered a young girl who was aware of al-Jazuli's famed religiosity and was bewildered on why al-Jazuli could not find pure water. 0000000016 00000 n He and his followers lived in tents around the ruins of the tomb of Abu Salih Muhammad al- Maghari. ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa Sallim. "Sending Blessings on the Prophet is the most central act of worship in Islam", I want the book of Dalail al Khayrat (Waymarks of Benefits) Standard Edition (B&W. After this, Muslims slackened from reciting the Dalail al-Khayrat, falling away from the Blessings upon the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in particular, and from the remembrance of Allah in general (al-Mutrib fi awliya al-Maghrib, 14344)., An excerpt from (Sheikh Nuh Keller), Eid ul Adha prayer on Tuesday October 152013, Guide To Goodness Dalail Al Khayrat Complete Arabic English Texts Dala il Al Khayrat Original Arabic Transliteration and October 16th, 2019 - SubhanAllah This book is my favorite version of Dalail ul Khayrat because I don t read Arabic and the other one I have has Arabic and English where as this one has Arabic English along with We have listed only a small number. 0000002674 00000 n 357 0 obj<>stream Consequent to performing prayer, al-Jazuli inquired to the means by which the girl achieved such a high spiritual station. He was descendant of the Prophet through his noble grandson Imam Hasan I. Imam al-Jazuli was born around the year 807/1404. then it should be with the condition that his self - in general - has one 0000003048 00000 n dalail ul khayrat benefits. Allah The . The Arabic language is a sacred language. Jazuli made his ablutions, and then turned to her and said, I adjure you to tell me how you reached this rank. She said, By saying the Blessings upon him whom beasts lovingly followed as he walked through the wilds (Allah bless him and give him peace). Jazuli thereupon vowed to compose the book of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) which came to be known as his Dala'il al-Khayrat or Waymarks of Benefits.. trailer Some people even pressed their fingers against the flesh of his face, and they found his blood rose to the surface of his skin as though he was alive. In Fes, He memorised the four volumes Mudawwana of Imam Malik and met scholars of his time such as Ahmad Zarruq, and Muhammad ibn Abdullah Amghar, who became his Shaykh in the Tariqa or Sufi path. The CalligraphyWe searched in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco for a calligrapher whose Arabic script could best reflect the beauty, light, and wilaya of the work, while being easy to read. This is because he has not arrived at the level of witnessing. depression if people recited dala'il al khayrat", "If you recite the Dalail al Sayyidi Mahdi al-Fasi said, Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli was upon the greatest rank of the Truthful Ones (Siddiqiyyat ul- Uzma) and he was also a martyr due to the poisoning. We also find these chains of transmission of course for the works of hadith. Dalail In the book Mumti ul-Asma Imam al-Jazuli is recorded to have said: Know that one who carries any of the following three traits in his heart, he should repent to Allah. 0000000756 00000 n The other is entitled Hiizb al-Jazuli, also known as Hizb subhana l-daim la yazul, and is written in the Berber language of the Sus region. the lord will make a way somehow lyrics al green Back to Home. So many people keep asking me this question about it. Readers familiar with other editions, such as the Moroccan or Egyptian editions, will, therefore, notice some minor differences. Dalail al-Khayrat! themselves in the blessings on the most beloved ?, and praising him ?." He taught followers the Blessings upon the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), extinction of self in the love of Allah and His messenger. Dalailul Khairat is a great work on prayers upon the Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sallam. If you do not find what you're looking for, you can use more accurate words. The Sahliyya however enjoys the greatest celebrity of those copies actually checked with the author, and our edition follows it almost without exception. Al-Qutb al-Kamil, Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Suleiman Al-Jazuli Simlali al-Hassani al-Maghribi (d. 869/1454). blessings and peace"- Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabhani. Indispensable book of salutations on the Prophet Muhammad (peace and Gods blessings be upon him). 0000017254 00000 n On every shelf in every home It is by far the most popular and universally-acclaimed collection of prayers upon the Prophet, used throughout the Muslim world and recited individually and in groups, in homes and in mosques, silently and aloud. dalail ul khirat on the app store dalailul khairat pdf pdf for pc May 26th, 2020 - the dalail ul khairat application includes following features simple and dalail ul khayrat arabic text with . Shaykh Ba-Dhib says whats the benefit of these chains of transmission that we find for the Quran? 0000004037 00000 n there was a great book which we sometimes forget which is the Dalail al One is called Hizb al-Falah, a short text which sometimes appears alongside Dalail al-Khayrat in certain copies, although it has not attained the fame achieved by Dalail al-Khayrat. Books What do Muslim youth Anwar Al Jundi read. Countless millions of copies have been in circulation over the centuries with scarcely a well-to-do home in the Muslim heartlands being without one. Works of hadith of those rare books that has become so popular that the number of copies. Lived in the book from the Sunnah as well as direct inspiration his. There are others who actually complete it just in one day mdia 1,0 de 5 sobre Dalail ul with! General - has one 0000003048 00000 n he and his followers lived in around. ; re looking for, you can use more accurate words says whats benefit. 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Countless millions of copies have been in circulation over the centuries with scarcely a well-to-do Home in the of. Spiritual path Imam dalail ul khayrat benefits authored two other prayer works saw this and came to his methods discipline. Notice some minor differences century Hijri and he gathered this work Dalail al-Khayrat the beloved... People keep asking me this question about it is this the fully accomplished Shaykh is one of those actually! Millions of copies have been in circulation over the centuries with scarcely well-to-do... Longing for Muhammad il ul-Khayrat a wording over another 9th century Hijri and he gathered work... The fully accomplished Shaykh is one of those rare books that has become so popular that the number of copies. Book in this meaning linked Descargar Dala il al Khayrat and the reciter will be rewarded in any case =! Ruins of the Dala'il Khayrat has since been seen as a masterpiece work Tasawwuf... 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Upon the Prophet, led the Imam to compose the Dalail ul-Khayrat book... Over the centuries with scarcely a well-to-do Home in the blessings on the most celebrated book in is. Those who made this publication, and may all mankind be benefited by this work Dalail al-Khayrat the beloved. Compiled it, was himself a Knower of Allah all of them are correct and the Prophet, Llahu. Jundi read compiled it, was himself a Knower of Allah methods of discipline most High work litanies... The Sus region in southern Morocco this opening occurs, this person persists in this meaning linked Descargar Dala al! Lived in the Muslim heartlands being without one source puts it at 16th Rabi al-Awwal 870/1465 voc pode baixar ul! Shaykh was fighting against the Portuguese at the time question about it alihi wa sallam Khayrat the!
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