If not, it is a moot point. He later served as Oxford Professor of Poetry (199499), and lectures given during his tenure in that post were collected as The Strength of Poetry (2001). - Yes. December 31 st 1911. If there was enough sufficient evidence to prove the wreck is in fact the Olympic why would you need to fake something such as this? His answer, as it was in relation to the wreck only, is because "the wreck wasn't 100% confirmed until Jim Cameron's expedition in 2010/11 i.e. At the time there was also a coal strike, issues with Olympic being repaired, and Titanic was not at full passenger capacity. Difference in tonnage 7. Not content with an insurance scam 'switch' he also proposes that Titanic (really Olympic) hit, not an iceberg, but an IMM rescue ship that was drifting with its lights out. There seems absolutely no reason to find any conspiracy here - the difference in gross tonnage is historical, mathematical and logical. He always maintained that the iceberg It was only when she collided with an iceberg in a freak set of circumstances that she was suddenly thrust back into the media spotlight. What they seem to miss is that this is clearly a fake, computer generated image, as it doesn't match any other footage ever shot of the wreck let alone the bow section. in a high position in the company, the other man was in a very high position Seacocks opened to hasten the sinking In fact, according to American researcher Jon Hollis, the bell recovered Also a sealed design would have restricted access to certain parts of the ship 1,496 people are believed to have died when the Titanic went down. 45,000) in the last eight years. 29. And those occasions he returned early were in June - never as early as April. Baber compiled a list of Morgan's returns from Europe from 1904 to 1912 and "only twice (1908 and 1910) in those years did he return to New York from Europe before July, and in one of those years (1908) he returned that early only to attend a family wedding, heading back to Europe a few days later and staying there until late August." Claim: While the wheelhouse of the Olympic was allegedly constructed in a bow fronted fashion, a photograph taken from the top of the huge steel gantry appears to show a straight fronted wheelhouse, exactly as it appeared on earlier drawings of the ship. saw a lot of iceon the deck Claim: Survivors on B Deck described seeing lifeboats being lowered from above, theres no way they would have seen that on Titanic only on the ship Olympic. But more important than that, what evidence does Gardiner provide for such a plan, or even the existence of seacocks on Titanic? Ever since "Titanic" came out 25 years ago, a debate has arisen about a pivotal scene toward the end that has become almost as iconic as the film itself. Titanic was not open for the press and public inspection Above right: Titanic , while still on the stocks and while fitting out in 1911, allegedly shows that there was no similar joint in her hull plating just ahead of her port side anchor. (British Enquiry (Day 3) of the surviving crew. However he conveniently does not explain This photograph of Titanic leaving Belfast on her way to begin sea trials allegedly reveals discoloured plating in the same location where Olympic had damage after its collision with HMS Hawke. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and was Oxford Professor of Poetry for the . But according to Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou "none of Titanic's boats were reused by the White Star Line. Morgan also had several valuable bronze statues removed from the ship just one hour before she sailed! Claim: Since an iceberg could not inflict such damage on a steel double-hulled vessel such as the Titanic, it must have hit Another set of poems was published by Fullers press as the broadsheet Put Thou Thy Tears into My Bottle (1969). Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou explains this particular claim: According to the book "The Ship That Never Sank" (pages 134-135) B Deck had no cabins extending to the hull as boats were visible. Hardly "numerous" or warranting any suspicion, especially considering (Click image to enlarge). 35. The documentary itself, although spending the first 40 minutes promoting the 'switch' conspiracy, actually ends up concluding in the final five minutes that it did not happen. Even if that simple fact is not enough, the other alleged details regarding the Californian are being misrepresented. Hall and Beveridge note in regard to this photograph that although "the overlapped doubler is hidden behind the stowed anchor, And to finally put it to rest we have a photograph of Captain Smith on Titanic's bridge on sailing day - and the wheelhouse is clearly flat behind him. The Chief Mate put Paddy in charge of The ship being ready to steam was simply because they were trapped by ice and at the earliest time possible would want to continue their journey. The wind blows through his silver hair. A Garden from a Hundred Packets of Seed (2001) inventoried some of Fentons favourite plants and his philosophy on how they should be planted. )", By December 1911, Titanic was fitted with an additional 2 portholes, giving her a total of 16. Claim: The Olympic's hull was painted white for its launch so that it would show up in photographs better. Damage from Olympic's collision with Hawke was more significant According to Bruce Ismay's testimony before the British Wreck Commission they planned to increase 46. They The photograph used to support this allegation, "taken from the top of the huge steel gantry" is of the launch of Olympic's hull (painted white) on October 10, 1910 in Belfast, Ireland: It allegedly shows a flat wheelhouse, however on closer inspection no wheelhouse can be seen. Florence Ismay (wife of J Bruce Ismay, chairman of White Star) also cancelled along with their children, and just like Morgan she said she was ill, and instead went on a motoring holiday! It mentions "Paddy the Pig" aka James Fenton. Veined marble is a naturally occurring metamorphic crystalline limestone and, like snowflakes and finger prints, no two pieces are the same. Claim: The ship was going full steam, but was achieving only 21 knots, rather than its theoretical maximum of 23, despite the Atlantic being exceptionally calm on the night of the sinking. 1949) grew up in Lincolnshire and Staffordshire and was educated at Repton and Magdalen College, Oxford where he won the prestigious Newdigate Prize for his sonnet sequence 'Our Western Furniture'. The Olympic didn't even have a carpet, but the Titanic -- ah, you sank in it up to your knees. seemingly confuses the two in name. the cast iron fireplace with its veined marble surround to still be in place. Mr Harold Arthur Sanderson, Director of the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (not from Harland and Wolff as claimed), This has been touted by some as the no.1 piece of evidence of a 'switch' - that allegedly the Olympic had a flat wheelhouse not a curved one, hence matching the flat shaped wheelhouse found on the wreck. Olympic, Titanic and Britannic) all had watertight bulkheads so it would Difference in port side joint plating But does this now mean we should treat with suspicion that there were "numerous" ships in the area when Titanic sank? Titanic, although only just superceding her sister in size, was no longer big news and so the public and media were not as interested in her maiden voyage as that of her sister. in a high position in the company, the other man was in a very high position Titanic being towed out to her sea trials. It must also be noted that many of Olympic's westbound crossings had an average speed of 21 and a half. Steve Hall does not believe the 'switch' theory at all: "The problem with that doco is it's 13 years old Of course it's Titanic." and loss account for the year to December 31 st 1911 was in surplus by 1,102,756 Take a look at the two photographs and compare for yourself. The Abyss un film del 1989 scritto e diretto da James Cameron, e interpretato da Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio e Michael Biehn.. La sua realizzazione fu estremamente travagliata e si protrasse per circa due anni ad un costo mai confermato ufficialmente ma stimato in 69,5 milioni di dollari. In discussing the claim that "Olympic was fitted with Titanics starboard propeller shaft" Mark Chirnside summarises: "There is no evidence that Harland & Wolff ever used one of Titanics propellers, or propeller blades, on Olympic; there is every reason to believe that they would have had a spare Olympic propeller in any case.". And also the Olympic was 500 miles away and would have been a much better solution if such a rescue was necessary. Two libretti and an oratorio were published as The Love Bomb (2003). Harold Sanderson repeatedly referred to Titanic as Olympic 10. 19345. 19343. 33. Titanic researcher and wreck explorer Parks Stephenson, who most recently was involved in photographing the Titanic wreck in 2019, simply replied: "People will see what they want" (26/09/2019) and posted this image: Claim: The starboard B-deck windows on the wreck are narrow, which matches the Olympic, not the Titanic. Sometime later in a documentary entitled "Titanic - The Shocking Truth" the following image appeared: An obviously faked computer generated image of the letters M and P on the wreck. This claim shows a total ignorance, not only of Olympic and Titanic but of ships and shipbuilding in general. Firstly Titanic was not a "steel double-hulled vessel". To be able to go into that room and see that marble fireplace still sitting there 38. - Oh, I beg your pardon, yes. Compare it with the damage photograph below. everything else was added. Titanic advertising used photographs and artwork of the. There is no proof that a man named James Fenton, also known as Paddy Fenton or "Paddy the Pig" was ever aboard Titanic; his name is not on any of the crew lists or among any of the survivor lists. 5 on starboard. there is no proof that a man of that name was ever aboard Titanic; his name is not on any of the crew lists or among any of the survivor lists . 6. In 1967 he enrolled at Magdalen College, Oxford, initially intending to study English but later switching to psychology, philosophy, and physiology. In reality, Titanic's starboard B-deck windows were more narrow than the Olympic's as onboard Titanic these areas had been converted into two private verandahs and suites. She had not all her boilers on, none of the single-ended Two major watertight compartments were flooded, her hull plating was gashed, the starboard propeller shafting damaged. Claim: While Olympic was open for inspection by the press and public in both Belfast and Southampton, Titanic was not open for any inspection at all, except to The Board of Trade inspection. James is a public writer - engag, as he probably doesn't like to say - and it is his poems about war, dictatorship and exile that have won him the PEN/Pinter award. So there is nothing surprising with the fact that an iceberg caused enough damage to the starboard side (not bottom) of the hull so as to breach watertight compartments that eventually led to its sinking. Californian was carrying woolly jumpers and blankets One of the ships bells was and to be able to compare our video with a period photograph of the time and look at the veining in the marble and realise it is the same thing, it was like a fingerprint. Dr Robert Ballard admitted it was the Olympic Further volumes of poetry included Out of Danger (1994), which won the Whitbread Book Award (now the Costa Book Award); Selected Poems (2006), a Penguin anthology of his work; and Yellow Tulips: Poems 19682011 (2012), an even broader survey containing previously uncollected verse. This is demonstrably false information. Well it first must be noted that compared to the keeping quiet all those years had taken a great toll on his health and the sanity This is his testimony: I understand it has been stated that the ship was going at full speed. Does it reveal evidence of suspicious or unusual damage? Despite the lack of any evidence (and the clearly fictional nature of the claim) it also has no logic for at least 5 key reasons: 1. There is no record of anyone doing so. Some have analysed the footage concluding for example that the X-shaped viewing field seen in the video is caused by the camera rig's lighting. Passengers said there were promenades instead of cabins Only a limited number of changes required for a switch He was awarded the Queens Gold Medal for Poetry in 2007 and won the PEN Pinter Prize in 2015. Fitting out photographs Patchwork and braces from Hawke collision in wreck photographs One issue with this theory is that And that paneling" This has led some to believe that Titanic's first class dining room, unlike the Olympic, was in fact carpeted over, as later portrayed in James Cameron's film "Titanic". Well, let's look at the image with and without the multi-coloured scribbles: Left: the original wreck image scaled up and rotated to match the 'meme'. According to Don Lynch and his book "Titanic: An Illustrated History" they did not accompany him on the maiden voyage because they had instead chosen to spend the time on a motor holiday through Wales.. Firstly, Ismay's wife and children did not cancel at the last moment. The second photograph is of Titanic, while still being fitted out in 1911, which shows no similar joint in her hull plating just ahead of her port side anchor. Firstly it must be pointed out that Titanic was technically not going "full steam" at the time of the collision. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Also, a coal bunker fire was indeed burning on Titanic, although it was put out before the collision and in any case as it is not explosive would not have caused the damage described (more information here). Fenton was made a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1983. had switched ships at layup and that an insurance scam was going on. Claim: An old sailor of the Titanic, Paddy the pig, revealed shortly before his death that the Titanic was switched with its sistership, the Olympic. However it seems that conspiracy theorists make a deliberate mathematical error, and then label it 'conclusive evidence'. and came to the conclusion that while elements of Fenton's background can be validated Morgan and Ismay would have to be fortune tellers as well as fraudsters! Olympic's wheelhouse in 1912 was curved at the front (left diagram) while Titanic's was straight. James Cameron had his work cut out for him when it came to getting Leonardo DiCaprio to star in "Titanic." The famed director was honored with a Hand and Footprint Ceremony at the TCL Chinese . Please note how it does not match the so-called 'Titanic' image in the 'meme.' 13. Actually, it is quite likely true that most of the Belfast 'delivery trip' crew did not sign on for Titanic's maiden voyage. Olympic was the first to be launched, pronounced the largest and most luxuriest ship in the world. The origin of this seems to have come from Paddy the pig, also known as James Fenton, who later in life related the following: When the About 29 results for James Fenton's poetry masterclass. These differences meant that Titanic had a slightly higher gross tonnage than her older sister. If indeed Titanic had a room called "The Olympic Room" this would only appear superstitious if one believes the ships were switched. 26 'James Fenton antiques' For Sale and Sold ( 4 For Sale 22 Sold) Page 1. full speed. Clutch my hand. - Able Bodied Seaman Joseph Scarrott "there was a large quantity of ice and snow on the starboard side of the foredeck Estimated at over $160 million today, this is more than they could ever have recovered if they had sold or scrapped her. The wheelhouse actually sits within the bridge enclosure and behind the forward bulwark (see deck plans below). In the movie the fireplace was a mixture of the fireplace in B 51 (Cardeza) and C 55 (Straus) and was representing a "new" sitting room B 52 (the complete room became nearly a copy of C 55) which never existed on the original shipFurthermore the fireplaces were in different places. "Olympic Class" referred to a set of three ships: Olympic, Titanic and Britannic. However both RMS Olympic and RMS Titanic had their names riveted oncovering something up perhaps? So that makes it 3 vessels in the area. James Fenton was born in Lincoln in 1949 and educated at Magdalen College, Oxford where he won the Newdigate Prize for poetry. Claim: White Star never had any intention of scuttling the ship. Hence post-Titanic-sinking images of Olympic also have this 16 porthole configuration. Interestingly, by the time of the Titanic disaster, Olympic's 14 portholes were also changed to 16 during her major refit, so in fact they were the same. 31. Claim: The unsinkable ship somehow had to become sinkablevery sinkable. This woodwork has the reverse sides clearly marked. Interestingly, Gardiner himself has admitted the image is fake. However, there are several large issues with this theory. Quite clearly the B-deck forward starboard windows are narrow - matching the wreck exactly. Also, Fireman John Thompson said: I was told the ship was making close to twenty-three knots when she hit. Chirnside and Halpern discovered that "Titanics 546 mile run from noon Saturday to noon Sunday would be her best posted Lack of testimony. Claim: The Californian was sent to rendezvous with Titanic and collect the passengers after the intentional sinking. I can see no credible evidence of discolouration that would be proof positive of repair work, especially in the specific location where the Hawke penetrated Olympic's hull. The source of this erroneous claim is here. Although Fenton is absent from all the available crew lists, it doesn't immediately negate his story - the lists are not infallible, and we all saw how Leonardo Di- er, Jack Dawson blagged his . Their error is simple: actually Titanic would have been the same tonnage as Olympic i.e. In another attempt to find a photographic inconsistency to support a 'switch' theory, this one is probably the hardest to see or make sense of. Secondly, it is true that the outline of each letter was incised into the hull, and then painted in with a golden/yellow shade. RMS Olympic after the collision with HMS Hawke. It is true that a list to port was observed by passengers Lawrence Beesley (in The Loss of the S.S.Titanic) and Norman Chambers (US Inquiry). in the Government. It must be added that in 1912 it was not usual to have inaccurate artist's impressions and wrongly captioned photographs. Most died of exposure in the freezing water of the North Atlantic because there were not enough lifeboats. If they were interchangeable why would there be a number on it? It began in January of 1912 They were: Californian (19 miles) a Leyland Line, Westbound London to Boston The art of not violating the verse. The Britannic, when launched, had 16 portholes, consistent with the later port side configuration of the Titanic and the Olympic. This claim is often mentioned alongside the above claim about the apparent discrepancy in the number of portholes on Titanic's port side bow. Nor does it prove Gardiners speculation that the name had been ground not go to sea as Titanic with Olympic written on the bells. 11 [American Inquiry, Day 7]. The wreck clearly has a flat wheelhouse and hence it must be Titanic. (http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com). Not to mention, Titanic was part of what was intended to be an "Olympic Class" trio of ships on the transatlantic service. boilers were on. Also several other passengers such as Lady Duff Gordon and Edith Rosenbaum reported ice on the deck. Stick to the path. Firstly, how would White Star believe they could pull something like this off when no doubt hundreds of crew would see water pouring into the ship through the seacocks? were being made to further increase the ships speed. The story goes that after the sinking thirteen lifeboats were recovered, taken to New York, where the name Titanic was sanded off and numbers removed to deter souvenir hunters. But to claim this was "done deliberately to help with a switch" is misleading to say the least - and such a ploy would be mostly ineffective on people in 1912 who were largely unconcerned with such technical inaccuracy in promotional material. It is not surprising that even Frank Finch doubted the third-hand story he relayed. (2012) which exposes the theory as being completely impossible. Gewinner und Nominierte des Golden Globe Award in der Kategorie Beste Filmmusik (Best Original Score - Motion Picture), die die herausragendsten Leistungen von Komponisten des vergangenen Kalenderjahres prmiert.Die Kategorie wurde im Jahr 1948 ins Leben gerufen. LET'S SEE THE "EXPERTS" DEBUNK THIS ONE." Gardiner of course claims that all documentary records indicating otherwise were falsified in order to perpetuate the insurance fraud which was about to take place. The crossing from Belfast to Southampton was a short crossing, while the North Atlantic route (Southampton to New York) was much longer. There is nothing here on which to base a 'switch' theory. that when the crew joined Titanic there was [sic] rumours that the company Titanic's speed was investigated by Mark Chirnside and Samuel Halpern in their article entitled "Speed and More Speed" from which the following information is taken. ', When questioned about the 'switch' theory at the Belfast Titanic museum Q&A in 2014, the man who discovered the wreck of the Titanic, Dr Robert Ballard answers: "I think it is the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean. Able Bodied Seaman Frederick Clench who was in lifeboat No. It was our intention if we had fine weather on Monday afternoon or Tuesday to This claim seems to originate from a quote from Baker Charles Burgess printed in Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" who stated: "Like the Olympic, yes, but so much more elaborate. And they were not the only ones. Hence the White Star Line and their publicity agents logically used photographs of her older twin sister instead. She had a total capacity of 47 passengers and 55 crew members. Crewman refused to sail on Titanic This is another one of those inaccurate claims that more importantly does not make any sense even if it was accurate. Now, almost thirty years later, the director has one major regret regarding his depiction of a significant character in the movie. 2. So conclusively, with no 'expert' opinion required, the Olympic's damage does not match this so called 'proof.' 30. 45,324. Did they have some idea that the ship which they were on was not the Titanic, but her damaged sister Olympic? However, in December 1911, during Titanic's fit out, she had 2 added to light the crews galley and wash room which resulted in a total of 16 as seen in the maiden voyage photographs. Claim: Panelling from third class areas of the ship now adorn a private flat in the Wirral. After returning to England in 1976, he reported on British politics for the New Statesman. Birma (70 miles) Russian East Asiatic Company Eastbound, New York-Rotterdam-Libau As to Gardiner's claim that ''Titanic -actually the Olympic - never travelled faster than one-half her designed top speed, as her damaged hull was too weak to endure the stresses of a prolonged high-speed run', there is absolutely no documented evidence to support this. The Olympic and the Britannic were also consistent on the starboard side, with 15 portholes. The list is believed to be accurate, but may contain some errors. Either way, the wheelhouse was not yet built at this stage, so no proof can be offered from this photograph. Dr Robert Ballard admitted it was the, 49. 2. of the surviving crew. performance on her maiden voyage, and as the speed increased, Titanic was well placed to exceed her sisters average speed.". Dr. Fenton is a board-certified, fellowship-trained thoracic surgeon with training and experience in thoracic oncology and minimally invasive surgery, including robotic surgery. And the answer is the same. And if you compare actual photographs of Titanic's starboard side to images of the wreck you will see it matches completely: A direct comparison reveals that the B-deck windows on Titanic and wreck match precisely, revealing the 'meme' to be false. He had called This is one of the most popular pieces of 'evidence' of a switch but also the easiest to disprove. 2. 3. Ballard has subsequently written several books including "The Discovery of the Titanic" (1987), "Exploring the Titanic" (1988) until the most recent "Into the Deep - A Memoir From the Man Who Found Titanic"(2021) which all prove that he thought it was Titanic when he discovered her in 1985 and still believes it to be Titanic in 2021. During her construction and in this particular photograph the name was not very clear so the photographer took the liberty of sketching it in, which was not an unusual practice of the day. (Click to enlarge). His experiences there provided fodder for the poems in Manila Envelope (1989). rumours of an insurance scam, they would serve a minimum of 20 years in jail The proceeds financed his journey that year to Cambodia, where he reported on the Khmer Rouge, and then to Vietnam, where he witnessed the fall of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in April 1975. Irish. James Fenton | Poetry Foundation Second Class also had an open promenade on the aft end of the Boat Deck, and enclosed ones on B Deck and C Decks. "iceberg" (or what Gardiner believes was an "IMM rescue ship") interrupted this original plan. J.P. Morgan and 50 others cancel passage, 25. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). And there is overwhelming evidence presented on the previous page they were not switched. Secondly, the angle and lighting conditions are very different from the other images, so it is not a fair comparison. Titanic was sailing a popular North Atlantic route, known to be busy at that time of year. 4. According to author Mark Chirnside "In April 1912, the passenger certificate of Titanic's rescue ship Carpathia (13,603 gross tons) certified her for 2,864 passengers and crew, yet she had lifeboat accommodation (boats under davits) for 702 persons. And considering they were presumably expecting a sinking according to this theory does not account for Lord's inaction. Patrick Fenton, who lived in Australia regularly told people that when he had worked as a seaman on the Titanic, he had witnessed an explosion on the ship which had caused it to sink, rather than the collision with the iceberg. week and that the Captain and the company knew about it. Firstly, a Harland & Wolff photograph of Olympic, taken when the vessel was in the Thompson Graving Dock in 1911, which shows her to have had a 'vertical joint in her hull plating immediately forward of the port side anchor hawse pipe'. Claim: The forged "Titanic" letters have rusted off and reveal a "MP" - part of the word Olympic that was actually engraved or embossed into the original metal panel of the ship. 1st Class Steward Edward Wheelton did met Thomas Andrews on B Deck after assisting with lifeboat No. For sure bunker "W" was emptied as this is mentioned by survivors. (Click image to see full photograph). 36. The Blue Vein River is broad and deep. So if indeed it was part of some pre-arranged 'rescue' it completely failed in its purpose. This is supposed to show Olympic's wheelhouse as being straight rather than curved. 9 and was ordered by 1st Officer Murdoch down to A Deck where he helped with the loading of lifeboat No. And, there is no evidence that I am aware of that points to the damage being more serious than was admitted Gardiners speculation notwithstanding. This is confirmed by Titanic researcher Ioannis Georgiou, who adds: "While it is true that some survivors such as Beesley and Chambers did speak about a port list, this was taken out of context as both were referring to April 14th. 49. Carpathia was the planned rescue ship instead of a promenade as on Olympic's B deck, two private verandahs and suites were added to Titanic, hence necessitating a change in the B deck window configurations. 1 were never lit at all. Act explaining that if they told of the real reason for the sinking, or the See deck plans below ) Atlantic route, known to be launched, 16... To sea as Titanic with Olympic written on the bells meant that Titanic was well placed exceed... It up to your knees 1912 was curved at the front ( left diagram ) while Titanic 's port bow! Society of Literature and was ordered by 1st Officer Murdoch down to a set three... The world oratorio were published as the Love Bomb ( 2003 ) surgeon with and... 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Did met Thomas Andrews on B deck after assisting with lifeboat no was., he reported on British politics for the the angle and lighting conditions are very different from james fenton titanic! Gross tonnage is historical, mathematical and logical `` numerous '' or any! Finch doubted the third-hand story he relayed had an average speed. `` further increase the ships switched. Whether to revise the article, but the Titanic and the Britannic also... He is a Fellow of the real reason for the poems in Manila Envelope ( 1989 ) be from. Professor of Poetry for the poems in Manila Envelope ( 1989 ) does not the. Makes it 3 vessels in the number of portholes on Titanic 's straight. Large issues with Olympic being repaired, and then label it 'conclusive evidence ' launched... Wreck clearly has a flat wheelhouse and hence it must also be that! Up in photographs better have inaccurate artist 's impressions and wrongly captioned photographs is...
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