that I won't be able to find a job after graduation. est le stress de tous mes projets universitaires et professionnels. The raging bull was hands down the number one, Some of it sounds like Cormac McCarthy, the, The very fact that the nineteenth century has not produced many authors whom the world may count among the, All I can say is WOW, this is probably the, Hiking and backpacking have long been two of. ), whereas for the Americans, the worries were a little more specific/detailed/imaginitive. Elodie, a possible equivalent to the "bac pro" in the United States might be vocational schools where one would learn a trade. I wonder how much the responses would differ if the survey was completed by middle-aged adults. It is interesting that there were very few (no?) I can attribute a lot of my personality traits and obsessive behaviors to this fear. 1 The Guardian When I heard that I had passed my examination and I am allowed to get into this school my heart was full of excitement (Joan). I thought that both sides showed a lot of concern for long-term issues, with only some on each side talking about a short-term worry. est de russir mes tudes et, plus long terme, ma vie. The Guardian. Ermellina said they need not worry, that she would not open to any one. My greatest joy is in dreaming of the day when we shall meet again. 2245500 Follow your heart. As French students, many of you seem to have similar concerns as MIT students about finding jobs, but many of you also have larger worries. finding a job I like after college. c'est peut-tre une des raisons pour lesquelles vous autres amricains pensez tellement au travail, nous avons un systme de protection sociale qui, mme s'il n'est plus aussi avantageux qu'avant, nous protge, alors que vous Mais est-ce que cela a chang avec Obama? Learn how to use in my greatest in a sentence and make better sentences with `in my greatest` by reading in my greatest sentence examples. If you worry often, you're far from alone. I mentioned that French students seem to care about "mes etudes" more than American students. 241+50 sentence examples: 1. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism. In the states some people are interested in the same thing there parents do. Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. It is however looked down upon in written communications to use contractions. In addition, while the Americans do stress individualism, I don't think this means that they don't worry about their friends, family, peers, and so forth. 7 She seemed neither surprised nor worried. I, too, noticed that the French seemed to list more words that dealt with others around them while the Americans were more worried about their immediate future, for example. In some test incomplete sentences tests only a single word or brief response is called for; the major differences appears to be in the length of the stimulus. sont mes moyens financiers limits cette anne. 4 Huffington Post The greatest remedy for anger is delay. Du moins, dans notre cas il ne semble pas y avoir de diffrennce. is making sure that I can achieve my goal of positively impacting the world. People go to MIT to be game-changers, whether in industry, academia, medicine, business, etc., and there is a notion of meeting personal criteria. It was really interesting to see the cultural differences in the responses to this question! My impression of these responses are that Americans determine the value of their lives by money and, to a degree, marriage, whereas the French do so by means of their familial relationships and how they are viewed by those around them (in terms of politeness and courtesy). Americans seem to talk about fears and bad things that worry them, while French seem to talk about things they have on their mind the most at this time: their education, family, future, etc. Translations of the phrase GREAT WORRY from english to spanish and examples of the use of "GREAT WORRY" in a sentence with their translations: It's been a great worry to us both. I thought it was interesting that the French thought more about worries that had to do with the future with education and finding a job, whereas with the Americans, the worries were more personal, for example being happy and healthy. As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. The American love affair with bagels gets stronger every year. Hmm, I seem to be succeeding, as I can't think of it now. C'est vrai que si jamais tu perds ton travail, tu peux trouver un autre, donc ce n'est pas la fin du monde. The mastiff was the greatest of all the dogs at the park. 126 39 Don't worry, go! mon avenir professionnel ainsi que personnel, ma famille et enfin mes amis. I no longer need to worry about money. vara orolig {vb} more_vert. Still, professional experience is highly valued. And now arises the greatest difficulty of all. In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. je pense que Sam a raison de mentionner la diffrence de traduction, car je n'entend pas les mots de la mme faon, pour moi tre proccuper par quelque chose c'est dans le moments, ce qui me proccupe ces jours ci, en revanche "ma plus grande peur" si je traduis de l'anglais veux plutt dire une peur qui se rpercute sur du long terme, d'o l'intert de faire la diffrence. Sumin brought up an interesting point about how we relate to our society's problems through the news. l'avenir des futures gnrations et le droit des animaux, ma carrire professionnelle, I agree with Laura's comment about how the French responses are more concerned with larger, global issues than the American responses. LANGUAGE. En rsum, si notre cole nous forma un mtier qui recrute, on aura un job en sortie, sinon, il faut allonger ses tudes tout en se professionalisant (tudes plus stages) pour esprer avoir un emploi la sortie. is to get through the programming classes, find time for sleep. It belongs to most women. that I will not be happy with where I end up in life. The French adn the Americans seem preoccupied with their future. Jamie, nous nous intressons beaucoup aux tudes car comme tu as pu le voir, en France, les diplmes sont importants; je ne suis pas d'accord avec Elodie qui dit que mme avec peu de diplmes, on trouve du travail en France: si on regarde les catgories de personnes qui restent le plus longtemps au chmage, on trouve celles qui ont le moins de diplmes. Only on the american side we can see things like "not realizing my full potential, not accomplishing everything, not saving the world," which I thing stems from the high expectation of MIT students. I feel that not doing so would result in them feeling unaccomplished and not representative of the education they have received. figuring out what I want to do after college. Does the average French person keep up with newspapers like "Le Monde" and "Le Figaro"? (Definition of great and worry As a country, do you feel that most people in your age range have similar worries? (225) Tom looks rather worried. He @Alex, I think it makes sense that MIT students have "a greater sens of limited time" - as we've established, French students often take a year off and go travel and get other experiences before college/the real world, while the American mindset is more to work work work as quickly as possible. But I don't see anything wrong or bad with that, future can be defined in a lot of ways but the idea is the same - everyone is a little scared about their own future because we don't control it and everything that is out of our control can be scary, right? I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. Out of all of the countries, the Soviet Union bore the greatest number of deaths during World War II. After talking this all out, I don't think the response to this question can be generalized for each culture - it is again very much dependent on who is answering the question, when he/she is answering, etc. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Most women have the home sphere. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Surveys show that ______ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the United States. that I am always looking forward to something and maybe someday I will come to the realization that I did not enjoy my life as I lived it. A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd. losing some of what makes me happy right now. There's so much stress in people's lives that it can't help but take its toll on marriages. is that I won't be able to live the way I imagine, as it is easy to think of something, but harder to execute the action. A few trends that I noticed: -- All of the American responses dealt more with the future/long-term concerns, whereas the French responses, although the word "future" came up a lot, dealt more with present/short-term concerns. that I do not get to see my family again. la russite des tudes et la fin du monde en 2012. It's interesting that the Americans (ourselves) wrote these responses and then are noticing the differences! This forum is the most popular so far. A women's greatest asset is her beauty. As a result, a lot of Americans worry greatly about their futures, their careers, etc, rather than respond to such a question with, "I worry about someone else.". Personally when I think of the word "worry", I think of a smaller personal concern rather than a more general concern. 4. mon avenir professionnel et plus largement, l'injustice du monde dans lequel nous vivons. SCHOOLS. I wonder why Americans have a greater fear of failure than French students. I feel that it would be interesting to see a larger group of people of our age from both countries compleate this survery. As far as the diploma, an MIT degree gives a lot of students an advantage over other applicants simply because MIT is known as one of the top schools in the country. I ain't have to worry about getting shanked at chow. Hence, a lot of the American responses involve their failure, or their lack of happiness in their future. Maybe the phrasing would be different, but the main idea is still the same! One thing I noticed is that the American responses were in general lengthier than the French ones. I wonder what other American students associate with the word "worry"as opposed to another word such as "concern" or "fear". However, I think that the differencies come from the fact that people are afraid to lose what is important in their lives but for different people these important things are not the same. Nous, franais, semblons plus terre--terre. Based on the responses, it seems like the French are much more focused on their professional success. Many people at MIT seem to think that it is their personal responsability to enhance the world in some way (possibly a sign of individualism). open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; This is actually a lot simpler than it looks, so do nt worry too much. I think that a lot of the differences in the two sets of responses can actually be attributed to the construction of the prompt. @Kristyn: I agree; students here also lack industrial experience (apart from internships and co-ops). failure, losing a close friend/family, and my future. After finding Lily and Rin asleep, the two boys decided they would worry about the time lapse the following day. Back in my day, we didn't worry about self-esteem or agonize over feelings. ", and this shows that studies are indeed always on the minds of MIT students. On the American side, we responded with long-term concerns and the French responded with short-term concerns. BLOG. -- The Americans posed a lot of pessimistic situations - that "I will not/won't ___". My Greatest Fear My Greatest Fear My greatest fear would be losing one of my three older brothers. This page requires JavaScript. I am worried about my health. Is that not as relative in France because the French culture is already more balanced than the American culture so they are less worried about finding a job? The greatest power is often simple patience. Studies and how they will affect their futures are things that worry everyone. de valider mon semestre, d'avoir un salaire me permettant de voyager rgulirement, de savoir que mes proches vont bien. est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. I noticed that the worries on the American side are all individual worries, with 1 real exception. About 202.7 million Americans ate bagels in 2020; the number is expected to hit 205.3 million in 2024. I won't reach the expectations of others and, most importantly, of myself. As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. The Americans are more apathetic when it comes to that. I am willing to bet that with our degree one can get into many companies, but actually figuring out what you'd want to do, finding a position that allows you to do that, and then be extremely successful at it, is quite hard. As you observed, on the French side, there are far more people who expressed concern about this than on the American side. Example from the Hansard archive. my marriage will fall apart. having some admirable characteristics. Agreed with Adrian! That could be worrying. A lot of people lead hectic lifestyles and are always trying to get a lot of things done at the same time. Grafton, I think it may be the case that Americans talk about their worries more openly than other cultures. Is success a direct link to happiness for the French? Sam et Kenneth, vous semblez penser que le mot "proccuper" a un sens diffrent pour nous; en fait, je ne le pense pas; quand on dit quelqu'un: "qu'est-ce qui te proccupe? Oh non "Failure" = Echec et Avenir = " future ". Your friends will be rewarded and your enemies punished. He is in, in my opinion, still the greatest teacher of the power of our own thoughts. Et c'est pour a qu' mon avis les gens sont procupp par leur avenir professionnel parce que c'est la source de cet argent. not being able to finish all that I have wanted to do, not being able to see the world, and not being able to truly appreciate myself until the very end. Est-ce la mme chose chez vous? Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. Les amricains semblent tous inquits pour leur futur et fin de vie. ma famille. In general, the French are more concerned with the state of the society/world and others (Grand Autre). The Guardian - Film. Not doing the right thing now to set me up to do something I like after college. S-ay, I should worry that he ain't a Sunday-school boy. is that I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends. 574 146 Don't worry about him. "the "protective net" that (supposedly) exists in France but is missing in the USA (any "protective mechanism" is labeled as "socialism" these day). I thought the way the answers were phrased on the American and French sides were very interesting. Very specific worries, while the French responses were more general topics. We are all young, creative people immersed in an environment of political and economic uncertainty, and have legitimate concerns about the future. Margaret - agreed that MIT answers probably don't match the rest of America. . The Sun. Is the meaning the same, "failure" and "l'avenir"? It seems like the most common American response is a fear of failure. I think it is a tough topic to discuss and identify, because it is just the surface of a much deeper question, what is the meaning of life? Par contre cela n'est valable que pour le premier emploi, car au dela de a, les recruteurs regardent plus l'exprience professionnelle. Oh, je suis d'accord avec toi, mais je pensais principalement ceux qui parlent de leur pays et du monde avant de parler de leur famille ou de leurs amis Ceci dit, l'avenir de ma famille (proche) est aussi important que le mien mes yeux. In fact, I think there is a general drive for success and working hard among Americans. "Now that I look back, I don't know why I was so stressed about it all . From the Hansard archive This may go back to another Forum discussion, which mainly said that our responses could be skewed, since MIT students have a slightly different perspective on work/jobs than Americans in general. Many of the American responses talk about finding the right job and the right balance between work and family. being poor. Instead, we MIT students worry about failure and dissatisfaction in the longer term, although certainly this concerns studies as well. greatest worry. 2. On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our greatest worry". In addition, I found it was interesting that a similar number of students talked about their professions/jobs. En france mme si les tudes effectues sont bassent, il y a toujours moyen de gagner sa vie en travaillant, il y aura toujours du travail pour les personnes qui ont peu de dipmes. vivre ma vie avec ceux que j'aime et essayer de les rendre toujours souriants. For example, it seems a lot of Americans get their news not through reading the newspaper, but online. TRANSLATOR. 3. 1. Don't worry about money: I've got bags. Sasha, I felt the same way you did towards the difference in number of people who said they are worried about "studies". Lionsgate. Two people really have to care about a marriage for it to last. That's what annoys me when women think Tomas is an arsehole. is that my life will pass to fast for me to fully enjoy it. "I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and holding you in my heart." ship to the. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Those areas which are not in the profitable areas are the, Testing at the age of seven seems to be the, I may say that this is a matter which is causing me the, If it is wrongly fixed, it will cause the greatest inconvenience and the, Given his own recognition of the tremendous value of our universities and the high international standards that they set, that must be a cause for the, We have heard again since that time that the company's, Many inmates have told me that they become far more accomplished criminals during their term of internmentand this is my. 2522619 You annoy me . that when I get older I won't be able to do what I want with my life. Is Paris known to the French as the place to go to fall in love and get married or is that just for movies? French talked more about the things they are the most concerned with, while MIT students talked about fears. If you fail to notice any progressive development, however, and you are worried that your child is not developing normally, you should contact your pediatrician. The Guardian - Sport. It doesn't seem to appear that often in the Americans' answers compared to the French ones. Do you think this might be because Americans worry more and are afraid to fail? is failing out of MIT or not being successful when I graduate,. A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. Using the word opinion, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? It's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one who worries - it's pretty much all the same for everyone. doing well in my classes, taking the GREs and applying to grad school at the moment. On the other hand, Americans, who emphasize individualism more, maybe think more about individual challenges? I will be a bad mother when I have children. Conclusion: elle n'aura pas lieu, c'est une erreur de calcul Il n'y aura pas de fin du monde enfin esprons! Use the following lines or your own sheet of paper to write six sentences that practice each basic sentence pattern. I think also that fear and worrying aresynonymous. Most women are hopelessly sentimental. The New Yorker. Not knowing what lies ahead may seem daunting at times. Therefore, bringing that aspect to as diverse a campus as MIT, this effect is augmented to the point where one's goals revolve around bringing about major changes to society/infrustructure but ultimately as an expression of self-importance. Would you agree? not realizing what I want to do with my life until it is too late--or worse, picking the wrong path in life and regretting it for a long time. You don't need to worry about me anymore. is that I won't find the situation/lifestyle later on that makes me the most happy. Seems to me that's just a more specific, less romanticized answer than "I will not answer everything I have to do!". "; "tre proccup " veut dire s'inquiter au sujet de quelque chose; par exemple, la situation conomique nous procuupe, nous inquite, parce que nous ne savons pas de quoi demain sera fait! "My greatest worry is that my dad will die in . Quand je parle de la peur de l'avenir, je voulais exactement dire pareil que toi: avoir peur de rester seul ou perdre les gens que tu aimes. mon avenir (choix d'tudes, choix de secteur d'activit) There are also a variety of degrees and diplomas that deviate from the normal track (GED, Associate's) for those that are intent on specific professional work. I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends," or that ", I will take my good fortune for granted." The American system is much harsher on you if you fail. I believe Zach thinks Americans worry more about the state of things right now, but from what I remeber Meera thinks the French are more concerned about short term goals. Nous, franais, mme si beaucoup on des inquitudes similaires, certains semblent plus inquits par le prsent Quand a la personne inquite pour la fin du monde en 2012, je me suis approfondie sur le sujet! finding interesting work that isn't all-consuming. @Antoine - Intressant. I think that these survey responses just indicate that we Americans and the French understood this question differently and chose to look at two very different time scales. les conflits mondiaux. c'est de trouver un stage et un sujet de mmoire. Click on the links below to explore the meanings. Is success in work something very important to determine one's success in life in France? Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) ), while almost all of the American responses only talked about themselves! I ment to describe a gerneral MIT trend. Je pense que c'est trs clairement l'avenir qui inquite tout le monde - ce qui est plutt logique. And what motivates us to wake up every morning and live our lives the way we do? Used intransitively, worry doesn't take a direct object. A mon avis, on a tous peur de l'avenir, de perdre ce qui donne une valeur notre vie mais la faon de l'exprimer se diffre selon la personne. Americans seem to talk about fears and bad things that worry them, while French seem to talk about things they have on their mind the most at this time: their education, family, future, etc. How much do grades matter when you are applying for a job? -- Lots of French responses included other people (family, friends, significant others, etc. je pense que si on m'avais demand ma plus grande peur, j'aurais rpondu, tout comme nos amis les amricains, ne rien faire de ma vie (professionnelle), ou perdre un parent. I think the individual attitude is so expressed because we feel it is our responsibility to make things happen for us. ( 2016) If you are worried about intense feelings that overwhelm you all the time, then talk to your GP. But in my greatest test I had failed miserably. Cependant, se concentrer sur avoir un travail et un avenir professionnel ne veut pas dire dlaisser ses amis et sa famille. This is very IRONIC and surprising since when MIT students ask each other "how is your day going? A) worry B) depression C) anxiety D) substance abuse, A large survey of parents and their children shows that parents: A) believe children are more concerned about school than children are. Sentence examples for greatest worry from inspiring English sources. Or do you feel that we students are ACTUALLY less worried about studies. Correct Grammar Sentence Program. Lots of good trends here! SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST 'Write in your neatest writing, as though you are doing an exam but write down the first. New parents tend to worry about everything. Would anyone care to support or refute that? CK 1 299844 He has a bad heart. Not only does this relieve some of the stress about students deciding what they wish to do with their lives, it also means that employers will go to specific subsets of students to look for employees, meaning less, more concentrated competition for the jobs pertinent to your studies. It seems to me that a lot of the same ideas are behind the two sets of answers. I think this is a very interesting question, and the difference in the responses of the two sides is pretty clear. ma copine. is that I will not find a field or a job that excites me until it is too late. Tomorrow Now. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. is that we humans will keep competing with each other, trying to be the best, and trying to make the most money, but we will end our lives being dissatisfied and having unfulfilled dreams. 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