In the four-armed form, Shree Krishna appeared before Arjun on another occasion as well. I am seeing progress, improvement, but I am far away from being able to say that I can control my mind. Which life will be get? You are very kind to help me for getting on the right track back to the supreme, our Krishna. Arjuna also had the courage to express any doubts without fear of reprimand, and in doing so, get a clear understanding of the teaching. He states that Bheeshma and Dronacharya are worthy of his respect and adoration. This is of a man with an ego, who thinks he is the doer of all tasks & takes self-credit, without recognising the eternal essence or the prakriti or nature around him.Shree Krishna goes on to say that the person who constantly discriminates to eliminate all sense of doership will accomplish any task that he undertakes without fail. All these kings were kshatriyas or warriors. He explains the secret of all secrets. We naturally see so many contradictions in the beginning but there are no contradictions. Krishna says whatever state of consciousness you have at the time of death that state you will attain. 5 What did Krishna emphasise on two terms? Then you will have the best association. Wonderful explanation about bhagavd gita. Brahmins are the highest caste, the priests and spiritual leaders. He was not born like an ordinary child. But he not agreed for my talk he said what the things happen in ISKCON all r missbelives, simply they do everythng for money. Eternally. Read more about Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita. If he did then how could Sanjay was able to see all the things? What did Krishna say to Arjuna? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu, These are materialistic perfections. I 100% share your intelligent point of you about such a tough subject! I actually do think they are achievable current and feel I need to follow them to the letter. Recently come to the circle of Prabhuji Hare Krishna. I have a question on presence of living entities, and their transformation in different bodies. This was an excellent introduction regarding the history of Bhagavad-Gita. The point is that there are so many demigods, all in charge of a particular aspect of the material world, so the point is it is very difficult to find the exact right demigod to worship for the exact benefit you want. David. A shudra who likes to execute tasks but requires direction & motivation will have prominence of tamas. Please accept my humble obeisances So, being a devotee and friend of Krishna who has firm faith in the message delivered by the Lord are the two qualifications to receive this knowledge. Please read the whole of Bhagvad Gita. Although all the descendents of this family were actually Kurus there was a disagreement between the five sons of Pandu and the other members of the Kuru family over who should be the King. It is the most important sacred text in the Hindu tradition. So everyone saw and heard the conversation. Now I'm just hankering to once again see the world chant Hare Krishna, dance and feast and float away in the ecstasy of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement as it did in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. I hope for miracles for the people in the World, I have hope, some day to return to the beautiful spiritual paradise to observe Krishna , and to dance myself with Radha. What does Arjuna see as the only alternative to fighting? So in this and in so many other ways Krishna proved that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is for the benefit of everyone. The most dangerous type of fear is loosing the human form of life. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Nothing is ever lost in following ones own dharma, but competition in anothers dharma breeds fear and insecurity.. Krishna advices Arjuna that he most follow his own dharma or path to attain fulfillment: It is better to strive in ones own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another. But these rascals, they know if they write a book with their bogus philosophy themselves no one will be interested, no one will read it. Bhagavad-gita As It Is Full Size 1972 Original Edition with Dustjacket, Prabhupadas Godbrothers AVOID THEM! What does the Bhagavad Gita say about ordinary Vedic dharma? Swami replied: There was no need of preaching the Gita to Dharmaraja because he was well aware of all the scriptures and became ready to fight the war. So they have to fight if challenged. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. David in Surf City. A son shouldn't take on his father's business by virtue of being his son, but, because he is an able and competent worker. Arjuna is already Krishnas friend and devotee, he was just put into this bewilderment by Krishna for the purpose of speaking Bhagavad-gita which is for the benefit of all people. Santosh, 1 46, 2 72, 3 43, 4 42, 5 29, 6 47, 7 30, 8 28 So we are in difficult times. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I am presently a student 17 years of age and I am unable to manage my time properly. Preaching only works if the person you are preaching to has a little faith in Krishna and you and is at least a little open to hearing what you have to say and prepared to consider it. ; Do you know if these sites are reliable?. Next, Krishna reminds Arjuna of his dharma. That was in 1989 and at that time I did not even know the word ritvik and had never heard about the July 9th letter. The Bhagavad Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. This proves the eternal value of the timeless knowledge Krishna shares with His friend Arjuna. So Krishna, although He had agreed not to fight, offered to drive the chariot of Arjuna. During imp times I do, if I avoid he makes me, convinces me till I do d gvn work. Even so many of Srila Prabhupadas disciples did not actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada. Your email address will not be published. This is ordained by Heavenly Father. Therefore, Arjuna wouldnt be killing anybody, and there would be no reason to grieve for them. I have written it a long time ago and it has still not appeared on this site. It talks about performing ones prescribed duty, the most important way of rendering the devotional service to God, without worrying about success or failure. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksettra around five thousand years ago. Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. He was bound by his dharma to fight war and get back the kingdom he developed. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Here is the playlist: Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading. He doesn't understand why he has to shed his family's blood for a kingdom that he doesn't even necessarily want. I am aware that Lord Krishnas Original form is with two hands holding a flute. It does not matter exactly. And is not my site but is also completely reliable source for Prabhupadas original books. Above all, we need restraint & control over the senses.If sense restraint is absent, then our attention would quickly stray away from the spiritual path into the material world.Knowledge of self-realization annihilates the ego, which eliminates the egos noise, giving us everlasting peace. Millions of mighty Pandava and Kaurava warriors had swarmed the battlefield of Kurukshetra. We need to take advantage of associating with Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. In this concluding verse of the fourth chapter, Shri Krishna urges Arjuna to cast away all his doubts and get back to fighting the Kurukshetra war. Hare Krishna Prabhuji Why critizie mayawadis, helped a lot to understand the real situation. But what is the true meaning of multi-manifestations mentioned by you in your article? Even I am doing the same. It was short maybe half an hour, not more than an hour for sure. Madhudvisa Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. It will get some additional benefit. The Bhagavad Gita, or The Gita as it is popularly known, is part of the epic Mahabharata. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost. (Bhagavad Gita 4.1 & 4.2). 4 Why does Arjuna ask for the four-armed form of Krishna? But above all this the Battle of Kuruksettra was Krishnas plan. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Yet, as Easwaran points out, the Gita is not what it seems - it's not a dialogue between two mythical figures at the dawn of Indian history. An ashram inspired by Narayana Guru dares to remain esoteric and elitist consistent with the gurukulam ideal It's springtime in Ooty. As per scriptures there are 33 crore demigods which is equivalent to 330 million . Required fields are marked *. Krishnaji urges us to implement at least one of these yajnas in our daily life, as it will give us an inner joy, called amrita, which has the power of negating all our sorrows. Therefore, now and then someone has to come to refresh the original message of the Gita, and that is what Shri Krishna is doing now. Each part is different based on our own svadharma. Another reason would be the unwillingness to take another persons life. The first step to gaining clarity on any situation is developing a clear, calm and collected mind. Often referred to as nishkam karma, doing action without expecting reward. So instead they take Krishnas book and totally misrepresent it and twist it to suit their own ends. Arjuna is a boy facing his own shadow. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. So she went back to her old form and then died. There is no corresponding assurance in the Bhagavad- gita that practice of ordinary Vedic dharma will make one a pure devotee of the Lord. Bheeshma was the embodiment of chastity, and remained a lifelong celibate to fulfill the vow he had made to his father. 4 What does Krishna tell Arjuna is the cause of evil? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Hare Krishna, can kindly comments whether we can chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra without the Mala.and what is the actual significance of having the TILAK. . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With many witnesses. his name is Gundayya Swami and he completely follow BASAVA DHARMA given by BASAVANNA in 12th century. May Krishna bless you to continue to do the service. Many Thanks Again! The two very strong armies facing each other and ready to engage in battle. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksettra around five thousand years ago. Ultimately, we are all seeking peace, which is beyond happiness.Actions continue to happen.One who has attained the knowledge of self-realization acts without a sense of doership of action or enjoyer of results.One who has gained knowledge of own self & dispelled all doubts is called aatmavant.When we are operating at the level of a karmayogi, we express our desires through performing actions, but dedicate all the results to Ishvara. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. RE: talking to unbendable people It did not take very long for Krishna to speak Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna. My hope would be for peace on earth and good will towards men and women, like Jesus said. You have to realize bona fide spiritual master is very very rare. But constant seeking of happiness from external objects makes us slavishly dependent upon the world, making us restless. Arjuna is unwilling to fight the Kaurava army. Lord Krishna told very clearly that one must do ones duty without any second thought. So it is not for a very long time. The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to do his Karma to uphold Dharma. Krishna explains that temporary things shouldnt be considered real. You have to become Krishna consciousness. Krishna is only there to support him. I would suggest to all the Gods and Demi-Gods, the necessity, at this time to supernaturally cause PEACE , because many in nthe World here, are so lost, and so resentful, that things could get worse before they get better, in many areas, so ..with hope, I ask that Peace would BE, and that PEACE could BE, and that PEACE will BE . This conditioning goes deep inside our psyche and causes us to run after a better job, more money, a bigger house and so on.If one follows svadharma sincerely, wealth will come naturally as a result. So I think a good place to start is the history of Bhagavad Gita. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Krishna confirms this many times in the Gita so if you simply read the Gita you can understand this simple point. Vedavyasa wrote down all the Vedic literatures which were current at the time. Can someone please explain as i am really confused. I am We can only become a disciple if we actually surrender to the discipline of the spiritual master and accept his orders as our life and soul. Who are Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita? Krishna does not change the way He works. Krishna tells Arjuna to arise with a brave heart and push forward to destroy the enemy. but i found that exactly 5000 b.c the day of krukshathra is calculated. Thanks again for your wonderfull introduction to Gta. This is very dishonest and has created such a disaster. Hare Krishna Prabhu, This is my dream and I seek his blessing to make it possible next month. What does Krishna tell Arjuna is the cause of evil? Wild May flowers bloom in bright sunlight throughout the Nilgiri biosphere reserve. NEW! He knows the technique of communicating this knowledge. I have decided to visit Kurukshestra, Madhura,Vrindavan Dwarka and many other holy places in India where Lord Krishnas significance prevails. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. One reason a person could refuse to fight would be the fear of defeat. The entire army of the opposition will be destroyed even if you do not fight. Please continue writing. Is it compulsory to attend all questions in UPSC mains? Its my previous birth leftover work. But we have Srila Prabhupada and we have his books so we simply need to take advantage of the association of Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. Here are some of them. It was a very dramatic scene. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. by Madhudvisa dasa | Full size image. I hope someone makes Hare Krishna Food , Cafes with the very good hare krishna dishes. A brahmana is predominantly saattvic by nature, and may not have been able to communicate and establish this knowledge in the world. The important thing is to submissively hear from Srila Prabhupada, from the Bhagavad-gita, from Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc. In Geetas first chapter, we are at the level of selfish action, where we see gain and loss in everything we do.As we move into the second and third chapters, we are introduced to the concept of desire-less action. Shri Krishna says that if we treat all actions of work like performing a yajna, all our goals will be achieved & we will begin to experience the eternal essence.Krishnaji goes on to say you have detached yourself & burn your selfish desires with the fire of knowledge.An example is a bitter medicine that will cure you, your intellect knows that.But the sense of taste did not like it, which is a selfish desire.He wants our intellect to guide us in our svadharma, and stop our mind from labelling objects good or bad.Therefore, we should remain alert at all times, and should reinstate the supremacy of the intellect over the senses whenever the senses move towards external objects.Another example is if you have a project to do, you may startenthusiastically & have a plan, but if you get distracted, that project would flop. Actually this whole arrangement was made by Krishna so the Bhagavad Gita could be spoken by Him. His selfless attempt to rescue Drona from the lake illustrates his courage, strength, loyalty and humility in that there is no mention of him boasting of the event afterwards. He then withdraws attention from senses & from the praanas,and redirects the energy towards concentration or dhyaana on the eternal essence, leading to. I have a question, which came in mind after reading the brief history of Bhagavad-Gita, that why Shree Krishna allowed His army to fight to Pandavas from Duryodhans side. This is an important conversation between Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is the divine conversation between a man named Arjuna and God himself in the human form, Lord Krishna. Only the material body is killed, the soul can not be killed. This all sounds so conradictory, confusing(or sort of confusing) and weird or strange of what Krishna was doing overall in that period including and especially during the battles or war of Kuruksetra. So, I have given below my quick response. This article is an excerpt from the Shortform book guide to "The Bhagavad Gita" by Eknath Easwaran. Addressing Lord Krishna as sahasra-bho, meaning thousand-armed one, Arjuna is now specifically requesting to see the chatur-bhuj rp, or four- armed form of Lord Krishna. Whatever Krishna told as Gita, he was able to grasp with similar swiftness based on his then knowledge of society & scriptures. It is not a very long conversation because as you know it took place just before the battle started while both armies were assembled there. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. That was why in Gita Krishna said. No. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. He had the best rapport with Shri Krishna, as well as profound reverence for him. That is when Krishna took on his Vishwarupa form and sang the Bhagvad Geet. Hare Krishna, Radhey Radhey Prabhu, Hare Krishna, Please wake me from this doubt. The Bhagavad Gita ("Song of God " or "Song of the Lord") is among the most important religious texts of Hinduism and easily the best known. I am from Mumbai and for 40 Years have been studying the Gita but i am getting doubts as i have acheived nothing. It is something like television. By keeping these things in mind, many of our problems can also end. What is one reason Krishna urges Arjuna to fight? Probably makes everyone suffer, only to cause more resentments. After some plead we got it but on the condition that it had to be returned within one week. Arjuna was of course quite happy to receive it, but why was he chosen?Whoever received this knowledge needed to be capable of communicating it to others. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Hare Krishna, hare krishna Why did Arjuna killed Subhadra? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The entire concept of Nar and Naryana, and the former needing the guidance from the latter. So you know people have pet dogs and pet cats and become very attached to them. thanks for posting. If you want to know what I think then read Prabhupadas books. So he was the one who needed instruction. Performance of yajna is a preparatory step towards realization.Realization will happen when we gain the eternal knowledge, that we are not the doer or I, but part of the infinite.Shri Krishna says that we should begin by approaching a teacher who has two key qualities: And we ourselves should have a thirst for knowledge & be willing to learn with humility.The whole point is that we should realise that we are in tune with all in nature & see the divine in all living matter.Shri Krishna gives a wonderful analogy:We can cross over the river of all our sins with the boat of knowledge, meaning, this knowledge has the power of destroying all our sins completely.The teacher is no doubt needed to guide us in the right direction, but it is our own effort, focus and motivation that will help us get the knowledge.True knowledge always comes from within us, & will come when we are ready.Shri Krishna, points out that in addition to the focus & sense control, we need faith, or shraddha. It was not enough that this person was wise.Shri Krishna also needed a capable evangelist, one who had a mix of sattva and rajas, in order to both understand and spread this knowledge. With best regards. Krishna tells Arjuna to arise with a brave heart and push forward to destroy the enemy. Bhagavad-gita can only be understood by the devotees of Krishna, without becoming a devotee of Krishna you will never be able to understand it. If that is true, 1.1 would have a slightly different context. So the Bhagavad Gita was not a new book even when Krishna spoke it some 5,000 years ago. If it means that one has to fight his own family, so be it. You can understand it for yourself. The Bhagavad Gita is some 700 verses and is a part of the great epic Mahabharata. But when you realize that you have little control over the final outcome and when you don't focus on the gains, your efforts will be filled with more meaning. On which base a aatma takes different bodies? They were Ksatriyas, it means the warrior class. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Still I know that the process of Krishna consciousness is the way to control our minds. Most fallen soul At that time all the family members will be sleeping for sure and you will have no problems chanting in the early morning hours like this. So dont be confused. What did Krishna say to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita? They were in the middle between the two Armies. so whats this about Krishna( so called god) having an army. Arjuna is supposed to lead the Pandava side, but he is hesitant. In Arjunas case he was speaking with Krishna directly, but for us Krishna advises that we approach Him through His bona fide spiritual master. Fast or slow. The sun was the first karmayogi, who works selflessly to provide light to the world, without getting tired.The sun then gave this knowledge to Manu, who is considered to be the first human being from whom all humans originated, like Adam in the Bible. The journey from the first chapter of Gita to the fourth chapter is one of elevated levels of integrating or tuning our thought processes. Since then I have been chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, reading and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and preaching as much as I can. Ive observed that as the Love of Krishna permeates ones life, nothing can compare, people observe it, and are naturally attracted to the Rasa. I am just passing on the messages that Srila Prabhupada passed to me. Thank you for helping to preserve Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad Gita and all his other books in their original form. WHO IS SANJAY IN THE MAHABHARATA AND HOW HE HAS DESCRIBE THE CONVERSATION OF THE SUPREME GOD KRISHNA AND HIS FREIND ARJUNA WHO HAS GIVEN THE SPECIAL SEEING POWER TO SANJAYA ? When he sees the people in the Kauravas army, he recognizes many of them as his own family and friends. Can i post some of your comments to some questions on my facebook page.Your answers are nice.So do i have your permission for that? Thank you for helping to preserve Srila Prabhupadas disciples did not actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada it still. To the fourth chapter is one of elevated levels of integrating or tuning our processes... Facebook page.Your answers are nice.So do i have your permission for that take another persons life which is to. People have pet dogs and pet cats and become very attached to them understand. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war ; a war of dharma another as! Of Godhead is set by GDPR cookie consent plugin cookies are those that are being analyzed and have been! 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