Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction. For Power, Divine Marriage is average. For every pagan religion there is a special Doctrine, unique only to them, that is most often than not more powerful than normal Doctrines. Inbreeding can be offset with concubines/polygamy. Pont Valentr Press J to jump to the feed. Youre all but guaranteed the successor you want, and unlike Open succession you dont have to worry about your AI heir doing stupid things when you land them. +40% garrison size in county of this religion. Matrilineal marriages are disabled. Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces. The Zunists are unique in that they are somewhat of a hybrid of the Offensive and Defensive; generic Paganism grants no bonuses. Germanic faith is the faith of Scandinavian & Saxon people, worshiping deities like Odin/Wotan. Disallow avuncular marriage and cousin marriage. The other pagan faiths have a duke-level religious leader who becomes a vassal of the reforming ruler, similar to the Orthodox religion's patriarch. Doesnt block us from raiding, hunting focus etc. If that bloodline gets passed down it's a great way to boost up prestige in the early reign of your descendants. The other side of the coin is that peace is seen as unbecoming. Feudal unreformed pagans typically use gavelkind succession. Recommended Posts. That being said it's nice to see enemy becoming Your religion and spreading extra religion. Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. Sky Burials. Rulers can order subject to Take the Vows. Tribal Islam is up to the point of being overpowered. When you finally select to reform the religion, you will have to choose from many Natures and Doctrines which ones will represent you. Im happy to discuss my rankings or analysis with you guys. It's included in Children of Perun and Survivors of Ukko btw. Holy sites: Nishapur, Bost, Cairo, Kabul, and Multan. Ancestor Worship decision available. Reformer becomes the first religious head, PDXCON Ruler do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. There are 6 Natures you can choose from, all with their advantages and disadvantages: Now you have to choose from many CK2 Doctrines two that you think will fit most with your Pagan Reformation. Hierocratic and Autocephalous is a good way when we don't want to bother much with religious head but want to have high MA. Reformed offensive pagans no longer lose prestige when at peace. Marry 4 women with good traits, then pick the best kid that pops out. You want to play Sunni, because you can either get free learning or piety for even faster conquests. Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. Pagan territories are usually significantly technologically behind all other cultures' territories, with the exception of Germanics having a tremendous lead in shipbuilding at the start of 867, as well as receiving said bonus after some time at the 769 start. These doctrines are tied to the reformer's religion. Holy sites: Perm, Ryazan, Novgorod (shared with Slavic), Saaremaa, and Kexholm. No penalty for female ruler. Nature: Unyielding sounds good on paper, but if you plan on having a large realm I'm not sure it's great because it takes a long time for counties to change to your religion. No female temple holders. They also have access to two special casus belli: Most pagans have defensive attrition, massively reducing the supply limit for non-pagans invading their homeland. Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. Edit: I have recommended a combination that gives u an ultra stable realm but if you want to expand and get the SPQR achievement, then pick the Unyielding doctrine and Temporal leadership instead. They are only playable in the 769 bookmark unless Ruler Designer is used. You can marry your brothers to other Christians for alliances AND marry your sister for yourself. Access to Hermetic society. Aztec religion only appears in-game if Sunset Invasion DLC is in use. Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. To debate theology, go elsewhere. Independent lieges of this religion can construct, Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability, Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability, Religion is resistant to proselytizing. There are provinces with Bn faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. Ship maintenance reduced to 10%. It also supports early-game dominance - you are next-to-none as a Germanic ruler in 867. The reformed Pagan religions are usually pretty nice. It got to the point where I was raiding not based on gold or number of holdings or artifacts or anything like that, but simply based on the size of the ruler's court; I figured it would give me more chances to capture folks for the sacrifices. Stability removes short reign penalty, which was not a problem for me ever. I enjoy and make videos of strategy games, RPGs, and more usually in the form of crazy challenge runs, character roleplaying, or other ways to spice things up. It's aimed at more of the casual/intermediate player. Feudal rulers bordering rivers will eventually increase their fort level to the point that Germanic pagans can no longer navigate those rivers. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. Enatic and Agnatic clans allow us to get open succession law which is super strong as we know from muslims. Some other day I read that this isn't a bug and it's working as intendent IMO Enatic is much, much better than Agnatic, because Agnatic prevents you from matri marrying, which means any chance to get a non-crafted bloodline is over, and because there are immensely more targets for matriarchal deposition than there is for the opposite. +40% garrison size at county of this religion. Combined with not paying any penalty for raising their vassals' levies, this means offensive pagans can muster forces far beyond what their technological levels would suggest. The best Doctrines by far are the two "Clans" option with the slight edge to Enatic. I used autonomous most often which gives some flat bonuses. Questions, Paradox Holy Sites: JavaScript is disabled. The religious head can decide upon death to. Community Patch with Improved Genetics 2.0 and Other Mods, Pagan Ancestor and Sea King Bloodline Changes, You also have to remember the example you've given is a really fringe situation exploiting several mechanics. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous. Absolute cognatic succession is enforced. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Cannot create Warrior Lodge if it does not already exist. The African faith is followed by the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. Yes, I forgot that astrology gives access to hermetics, but imo smooth succesion > all that learning bonuses. Generic Paganism and Hellenism, obivously. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. Possibility for a woman to take consorts is disallowed even if other traits should unlock it. It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. Any tribal leader, whose religion is pagan unreformed, neighbouring a realm whose leader's religion is organized - e.g. Ancestor Worship. +80% Defense and +80% morale for all units if fighting in county of this religion. C. Civilized/Religious Tax: The best Doctrine you can possibly pick. While three of the faith's holy sites are in Scandinavia, the other two are in mainland Europe and often held by strong Christian rulers. However, by 1337, only two chiefs in northern Finland/Sweden follow the faith, with the rest of Finno-Ugric lands being divided between Catholic/Orthodox Christians and the Sunni Golden Horde. Pagans have great difficulty holding large realms together. Levy size & attack bonus from unreformed Tengri faith will be lost. Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines. All holders of holdings do not have to be Muslim for this tax to apply the top ruler being it is enghout. [1] These are not immediately obvious before reformation, or even immediately upon reformation. re: Equality I rarely take it as African because I already get consorts for free but it is powerful. )Best religion for gold income as liege : sunni Due to the additional tax from holdings in counties without Muslim religion. Late to the party but I like this one; for the purpose of acquiring bloodlines. To even start thinking about CK2s Pagan Reformation, you will first need to conquer three of the holy sites of your religion. No Revolt Risk for different religion in county. ( But Imperial Succession is nearly same as heir designation so you may want to pick the Religious tax doctrine to get tons of cash. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. With Monks and Mystics, Zunists characters may join the Hermetic Society. Totems and Dievas have that good succesion law going for them. Helps a lot when vs crusades or aztecs trying to meme on you. Anyway, good list and I have to say I agree on most of the points! I usually take unyielding but in the future I think I'll go with Proselytizing. Women can take up to 3 consorts. I was new to HF just like everyone else and I had no idea what the end result would be. AI rulers only convert same-group provinces and only when zealous. Unyielding also reduces AI aggressiveness, which can be a negative if you want your AI vassals to attack/invade your enemies for you. Need the +3 demense to have enough personal levies and also +15 opinion combined with Augustus trait and Born in the Purple ( another +15 opinion) is pretty OP. Penalty to moral authority (-15%) and to mission. If you pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or Aztec, you will lose their innate military bonuses (bug? Enatic-cognatic law is available. Women can take up to 3 consorts. What options do you think is best for each, norse, slavic, tengri, etc? Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? You can take Temporal with AV. Each temple looted in a raid gives +1% to moral authority. The last playable Germanic ruler available is Arnfast of Vsterbotten, who dies in 1309. Agnatic, stability are very safe options, but with the ship tech boost i always manage to kidnap one of "Niall of the 9 hostages" bloodline carrier, then incorporate tanistry after 2 gens into my empire. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In addition, all pagan faiths can be reformed. you proselyte by sword, not by word. If a king of a faith stays true to the old ways, and many vassals convert to the new religion, this can cause tremendous upheaval in a nation, and lead to multiple, simultaneous and devastating deep revolts. on Paradox technology, Legal Crusader Kings 2 ; Best Pagan mods for CK2 Best Pagan mods for CK2. The reformed Pagan religions are usually pretty nice. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Faith is widespread in earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but is in decline from 1066 onwards. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There's a mod that fixes this. I like equality. Ive heard it is currently bugged. I will explain at the end of paragraph. For conquests Islam is way too OP if you're not a nomad. The devs deliberately made it so that certain societies will let you remain a member even if you are the "wrong" religion. BTW, excommunications make king viceroys actually viable and not a PITA: you can excommunicate, arrest and execute a king viceroy whenever you like it, and appoint a new one. Characters are assigned Zodiac traits on birth and by decision. Proselytizing is a must pick if you have a lot of land with conversion resistant heathens, since AI rarely bothers converting them otherwise. I think these are well balanced. They start as feudal, are unable to raid, have lesser chance to convert county religion, do not suffer from increased short reign penalties and may use ultimogeniture succession law instead of gavelkind. No male in the council. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. No females in the council. Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. Havent seen many posts about reforming the Bon religion. There are better options for mix-maxing/efficient play. Heir Designation is allowed (if at least one of. It gets pretty boring tbh. I have received few private messages and some even answered to the thread when the post was very old. With Holy Fury, Zunists can raid after reformation, as long as the reformed faith does not have the Peaceful nature. When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. Is AV and Temporal actually working in conjunction for you or you just marrying into the saints' lines? I changed my mind about divine marriage doctrine, it actually allows us to breed new bloodlines fairly easy into our dynasty. When you reform a pagan religion, and get high enough moral authority, other pagan empires might ask your help in converting them to your . If you want internal stability, pick Hierocratic and enjoy your excommunications. Every religion in the world pretty much tolerates you, it's pretty stable, and you can marry back into it to acquire bloodlines if you leave it somewhere to grow by itself. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. Low MA will hurt you bad tho unless you're in middle east. +15 vassal opinion. Jainism without doubt. Although I admit the bloodline bugs with male consorts are beyond annoying. No male in the council. If you need Braunschweig to reform the Germanic faith it is best to conquer it in 769, while the Saxons still control it. Don't @ me, if you dis. All units gain 80% to defense when fighting enemies in a province of the combatant's religion. The love of battle among these pagans means that rulers incur no relation penalty with their vassals for having troops raised. Choosing you own heir and not receiving penalty opinion for raised levies it too good to pass up. JavaScript is disabled. In game terms, all pagan religions fall into one of two broad groups, with a few exceptions - the offensively-oriented Germanic, Hellenic (Greco-Roman), Tengri and Aztec faiths, and the defensively-oriented Romuva (Baltic), Slavic, Suomenusko (Finnish), African, and Bn (Tibetan) faiths. Tengri and Aztec pagans do not have defensive attrition (though Tengri invaders can ignore it). +10% Attack for all units. Autonomous leadership is only good if you need neither GHWs nor excommunications. Interactive corporate website, Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10%, Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2, Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%, National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +1, Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%, National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5%, Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5. Seabound is just useless without Daring and picking these two doctrines is silly (unless we are not getting bored with constant raiding on our foes). The faith is in a strong position in the 769 start as north Africa is mainly ruled by tiny Muslim realms which can easily be conquered after consolidating your position in the south. Duke-tier religious heads common for all realms. I agree with most of what you said but I would put the Civilised doctrine as tier 1. Sky Burials. Pagans follow the old polytheistic traditions, spurning the Abrahamic and Indian religions' talk of a segregation between physical and spiritual realms in favor of polytheistic physical gods.
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