It was eventually demolished leaving the whereabouts of the other Pyramid an enigma all until now. [14], However, Wheeler argues that the claims of an extraordinary origin for the pyramid are unfounded, writing that the Gympie "Golden" pyramid is in fact a hill that had been terraced by early Italian immigrants for viticulture. Pyramids are not new to Australia, although the style may differ. The size of the alien craft hovering over the newly constructed pyramid offers another potential solution for how they were built, or placed. One can also meditate on saving the pyramid, and ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid. a stellar origin story concerning the seven sisters, "Surface Hill Uniting Church (entry 601529)", "Police, roads officials remove 'trespassers' from Gympie Bypass", "Cultural Heritage Survey of Rocky Ridge,Gympie", "Aboriginal Site (Little Rocky Creek Grinding Grooves)", "Bruce HighwayCooroy to Curra Section D: Woondum to Curra", "Two large earthquakes in southeast Queensland in the 1860s- Fact or Fiction? A cartouche is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic nameplate The cartouche has an obvious link and symbolism to the sun the cartouche Symbolizes of protection against evil spirits both in this life and . As we wrote previously, is said that amateur archaeologist Ray Johnson supposedly translated the alleged glyphs for the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo andwas successful in documenting and translating the two facing walls of Egyptian characters. . Amanitore Nubian Warrior Queen And Her Pyramids, El Mirador: Ancient Pyramids Hidden In The Lost City Of The Maya, Kingdom Of Nubia: Pyramids And Priceless Secrets Of A Civilization Forgotten By History And Neglected By Archaeology. The structure is believed to date back some 5,000 years. And the terraces were too high for cultivation, the more so when you consider that they become more pronounced towards the top of the pyramid. Strange Tale Of Mysterious Thousand-Year-Old Underground Network Of Caves And Encounters With Subterranean Dwellers, Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists, When Stars Are No Longer Born: The Challenge Of The New ERC Red Cardinal Project, New Discovery: Sunscreen-Like Chemicals Found In Fossil Plants Reveal UV Radiation Played A Part In Mass Extinction Events, Light From Outside Our Galaxy Brighter Than Expected New Study, Climate Change Could Cause Disaster In The Worlds Oceans, Say UC Irvine Scientists, Computer-Generated Universes: Machine Learning Reveals How Black Holes Grow, Veggie Dinosaurs Differed In How They Ate Their Food. [14], A 2008 cultural heritage survey was conducted by Archaeo Culture Heritage Services of Brisbane (for the Department of Transport and Main Roads), to investigate the historical cultural heritage of the hill. Since its "discovery" in 1975 by an amateur Australian archaeologist, (locals had known about the site for years) many theories have been put forward as to who or what built it. Anyway, returning back to the Pyramid in Australia. The Deep Creek, a gully just near the Mary River, is a profitable spot for gold panning. In the Scottish highlands, moving even so small a sacred object as a standing stone is considered to bring bad luck, and crofters go to a lot of trouble to preserve the stones in situ. The well-known surveyor Len Beadell is said to have found a pyramid on the Nullabor plains, and was told by the local aborigines that the pyramid was outside the dreamtime, and that it was very bad luck to talk about it. These have slots in the centre, which may have been for offerings and iron bars have been found on the site that fit the slots.2. The Gympie Pyramid is a tourist attraction for the town of Gympie, which otherwise does not have a great deal to offer, and has brought in people from around the world. Great Sphinx, Giza eviljohnius (CC BY) Michael English said the pyramid originally had a vortex on the top used to help spacecraft take off. Other pyramids are believed to have been seen in New South Wales. The Gympie Pyramid is a nickname for an archaeological site otherwise known as Rocky Ridge, or Djaki Kundu by the Gubbi Gubbi/ Kabi Kabi people. Sacred Number Four Perfect Number And Deep Meaning Behind It. This idea was laid to rest by archaeologist Greg Jefferys, who did a survey while a student in 1990, and another survey and a limited excavation in 2007. After work was resumed following "a final decision from the Federal Environment Minister", protesters tried to block the site, but were removed by police and five people were arrested for trespassing. If you want to join our team of volunteers and help us create great teaching resources, please contact us. Work was suspended in November 2020 after the matter was sent to an independent assessor, a specialist in First Nations matters, but the area was deemed not of sufficient significance to be protected. [14], Rex Gilroy claimed that he discovered the Gympie Pyramid in 1975 and that the "pyramid" was created by Egyptians who had mining operations in Australia centuries ago. He later confessed to Brown that the images were fake.[7]. The Pyramid is said to be the final resting place of Egyptian Royal Lord Nefer-ti-ru, according to the group. However, mainstream scholars reject the notion theres a Pyramid in Australialet alone twoand that the mountain where said structure is supposedly located, only appears to be the shape of a pyramidal structure. The Gosford Hieroglyphs are located at Kariong (near Gosford) NSW Australia in the Brisbane Water National Park. The corrosion on it indicates its age, and it may possibly have come from a shipwreck. The name is believed to be a corruption of tuncumba, the aboriginal name for dugong, possibly the indigenous name of the bay.) As we wrote previously, is said that amateur archaeologist Ray Johnson supposedly translated the alleged glyphs for the, Museum of Antiquities in Cairo andwas successful in documenting and translating the two facing walls of Egyptian characters. Either way, the railway is said to have removed the artifacts and filled up the chamber. The Pyramid is said to be the final resting place of. Hieroglyphics at at Gosford, an hour north of Sydney, indicate a pyramid was constructed at Gympie, in central Queensland (pictured), a group claims Credit: Bureau of american ethnology He. Your email address will not be published. Jefferys found that the terraces were in some cases constructed with very heavy stones, some in excess of one ton in weight. In 2000 he published photographs of five other reptilian statues which had "gone missing". He attributed the construction of the terraces to Italian wine growers or other immigrants in the nineteenth century. There are many opinions of who built it. [10][11], The Queensland Government started work on upgrading the Bruce Highway, involving the construction of a four-lane divided highway between Gympie and Curra, in October 2020, with the new section is due to open in 2024. Who built it? Archaeologists claim massive structure dates back 5,000 years, Pyramids are not new to Australia, although the style may differ. Normally, destruction of a major energy center such as this would have very serious consequences for the nearby community. One of these was blond and wore a heavy gold necklace. Most of these are believed to have been removed by early settlers. According to Gilroy, the terraced hill was the remains of a pyramid, based on the fact that a stone wall nearby was of unusual construction, there had been local legends and taboos about entering the area, and that there was cactus of South or Central American origin growing nearby. It includes the ruins of six or seven low terraces associated with early settlers. Mysterious Svingerud Stone Worlds Oldest Rune Stone With Enigmatic Inscriptions Investigated By Experts What Does It Say? The gympie pyramid located in the outskirts of gympie in queensland, australia is a terraced structure that some claim was built by ancient . Advocates for the theories claim that there's further evidence, too, including apparent local examples of discovered Egyptian hieroglyphs, and general similarities between the physical style of Gympie and other pyramids from around the world. . Brett Greene, The Gympie Pyramid Story, page 82. This form of smelting has not been used in Australia as it died out in the Middle Ages, with some exceptions in parts of Asia. These curious set of hieroglyphs referred to as theKariong Hieroglyphs due to the fact they are located in the Brisbane Water National Park, Kariong, and also called the Gosford Glyphsdue to the nearby community of Gosfordcan be seen inNew South Wales. Greg Jefferys points out that it would have made a good fort given its location,12 but there is no evidence for this, and it does not feel like one. The well-known surveyor Len Beadell is said to have found a pyramid on the Nullabor plains, and was told by the local aborigines that the pyramid was outside the dreamtime, and that it was very bad luck to talk about it. A lecturer in archaeology at the University of Queensland, Dr. Pranganell, said in an interview with the editor of the Gympie Times on 9 September 2006: The University has no intention of trying to test the myth as any digging on the site (of the Gympie Pyramid) would just give credibility to something that was impossible.30. If anything, they were afraid of the site and left it alone. The Gympie Pyramid is not really a Pyramid at all but a sandstone terraced hill on the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland Australia. The pyramid is approximately 5 km from the centre of Gympie, and is located north of the town on the Tin Can Bay road. The Gympie area, about three hours drive north of Brisbane, Queensland, harbours many strange tales of pyramids and Egyptian artefacts that have been found there since the early days of settlement. One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armor and holding shields. This account has since been corroborated by another clairvoyant, Richard Shar, while using psychometry (reading the past) long distance from Adelaide.18 Visiting psychics report seeing an inner chamber in the pyramid containing various artefacts, and in particular, commonly report seeing a large dark crystal. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid The Big Dig Report, 27 March 2007. This is mostly due to the fact that experts consider the location where Johnson believes the Pyramid is located a Natural granite peak. The native land owners of this country have held peaceful protests, but were forceably removed by police last week. Greg also found that the existing side of the pyramid faces south-east, making it unsuitable for wine growing, Vine cultivators are advised to use areas facing north. This is believed to have taken place either in the 1940s, after World War II or in the 1950s. Nitarla said they had lived on the pyramid in antiquity, which was when the pyramid was bombarded, but they had elected to stay to try to protect it. The Kabi Dreaming group has expressed outrage on social media in the past month ahead of the expected resumption of works on the $1 billion Gympie Bypass. Jefferys has pointed out that the Polynesians had a tradition of terracing hills for forts and religious purposes, of which examples exist on Raiaiti and Tonga that bear a resemblance to the Gympie terraces, so the pyramid could be of Polynesian origin. Jefferys mentions a Betty Dodd who encountered a white clad apparition. and 2540 B.C., the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that is still standing today. Neither made any mention of a pyramid shape. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. He was thoroughly spooked and left the area.21, Several unusual objects have been found in and around the Gympie area. Despite the fact that the "hieroglyphs" point to the existence of a Pyramid located in the Area, the site in question located at the Wooroonooran National Park has never been researched. Irrespective, the Queensland government intends to bulldoze the pyramid in the near future and put a highway through the site. Amateur archaeologists believe Egyptians may have built pyramids in Australia It's claimed a group of Egyptians, including royals, visited some 5,000 years ago Hieroglyphics reportedly indicate. The present writer also unexpectedly encountered a white-clad lady, this one with black hair, a couple of days later on the topmost terrace. To this day, nobody really knows. The writer also found that an L-shaped dowsing rod, when held loosely in the hand, spun around freely by itself on the pyramid, usually a sign of a powerful site. Archaeologists Claim Massive Structure Dates Back 5,000 Years An archaeologist believes that there's a MASSIVE 900-meter tall pyramid hidden in plain sight beneath thick layers of vegetation and soil in Australia. Its also suggested that in constructing the railway, workers found either an entrance to the pyramid, or a large underground chamber containing artefacts. The gympie pyramid looks to be a recent attempt at a pyramid by a local. This article was published in New Dawn 98 (Sept-Oct 2006) My first non-fiction book on time travel came about wholly by accident. It was discovered in the late 1800's, and had various artifacts, stone constructions and legendary stories associated with it The Gympie Pyramid. Other pyramids are believed to have been seen in New South Wales. Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. And it is nothing to do with their claim to traditional rights over a acreage campsite in the path of the Bruce Highway's Gympie bypass. he claimed carvings of egyptian hieroglyphics discovered at gosford, an hour north of sydney, indicate that two pyramids were built in australia. Pyramids are scattered all across the globe. In addition, "a statue (the 'Iron Man' or 'Gympie Ape') of non-Aboriginal manufacture [had been] found nearby, and some crude inscriptions on a stone block dug up in the area". She gave her name as Nitarla, and said she was one of three such guardians (this name was also given to Mick Dale by another source as the name of the guardian. Archaeologist Greg Jefferys, who has worked on the pyramid, refers to it as a serious, famous and unexplained archaeological anomaly. [7] It is currently on display at the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum. When the pyramid was first discovered the summit is believed to have had thirteen pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow center standing on the summit, and a stone gateway standing on the lower slopes of the pyramid, and other standing stones inscribed with symbols. One of these was blond and wore a heavy gold necklace. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Gympie Pyramid as seen from the air with Google Earth. Pyramids are scattered all across the globe. The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot.26, A bronze Grecian urn was found in the hills north of Gympie by Brett Green.27, A piece of bloomery iron was found on the pyramid along with other fragments during the 2007 visit by Greg Jefferys suggested smelting on the pyramid. The structure is believed to date back some 5,000 years. A piece of bloomery iron was found more recently on the pyramid. No matter where we look, ancient cultures built marvelous ancient structures across the planet, with the most notorious monument being the Great Pyramid of Giza, an ancient wonder of engineering still standing today after thousands of years. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. Now, a group of amateur archaeologists from Australia claims that before Australia was visited by the Europeansin fact, thousands of years before that, I might addthe ancient Egyptians visited the mainland of Australia and even built Pyramids there. Since the 1960s people have encountered white-clad female spirits, who identified themselves as guardians of the site. [8] In 1905, the Gympie Times described the area as "the old vineyard". Local objections have been overruled, and no attempt is being made to excavate or find out more about the pyramid while it still exists. Other pyramids have reputedly been found around Australia. At this point the army became worried about losing land to heritage purposes, and destroyed the pyramid. Yes, you did see that correctly - a pyramid in Australia! It is an energy centre, and also a tourist attraction for Gympie. Police occupy the site after clearing protesters today. Efforts should be made to save the pyramid. Dowsing has indicated there are a number of burials on the pyramid, but these have not been dug. The feature is subject to speculation, especially suggestions that it was constructed by an unknown civilization, suc. It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5 km north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia. The pyramid is hidden in plain sight. It has been shrouded in mystery and controversy ever since. Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. THE GEOMETRY OF THE WAITAPU VALLEY. This form of smelting has not been used in Australia as it died out in the Middle Ages, with some exceptions in parts of Asia. What Was Inti Raymi And Why Was It Celebrated By Inca? German Cave Reveals Clues About the First Domesticated Wolves,, Scientist concludes death is only an illusion, it is not real, The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump, Rare, ancient maps show how thousands of years ago, an advanced civilization mapped the Earth, Secret Space Program Whistleblower claims Humans are on Mars since 70s. The Pyramidal structure is 100 foot . THE KHAFRE PYRAMID GEOMETRY IN THE NEW ZEALAND LANDSCAPE. The head is carved from a yellow conglomerate stone, usually an unlikely material for sculpture, which is not found anywhere near Gympie, if indeed it is found in Australia. These include among other things (refer to illustrations on page 50): a carved, yellow stone head suggesting South American influence; an ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi; a Grecian urn; an ancient Chinese bronze teapot, and an apparent stone statue of an ape-like figure, known as The Gympie Ape. The head has healing properties. [1] It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5km (3.1mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia.[2][3]. Mummified Crocodiles Provide Insights Into Mummy-Making Over Time, In The Neanderthal Site Of Combe-Grenal, France: Hunting Strategies Were Unaffected By Changing Climate, Surprising Discovery Replica In The Field Museum Is A 3,000-Year-Old Sword, Drinking Milk Increased Ancient Human Body Size New Study, Eating And Social Habits Of People In The Balearic Islands 3,000 Years Ago Reconstructed. A bronze Grecian urn was found in the hills north of Gympie by Brett Green. So far three iron bars have been found on the pyramid, and at least one of these fits exactly into the central piercing of the flat diamond shaped stones. What Powered the Vimana, the 6,000-year-old Flying Machines of Ancient India. In 1928/1929 Alan Gardiner published an overview of hieroglyphs, Gardiner's sign list, the basic modern standard.It describes 763 signs in 26 categories (A-Z, roughly). It combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters.The later hieratic and demotic Egyptian scripts were derived from hieroglyphic writing. These curious sets of hieroglyphs are referred to as the Kariong Hieroglyphs due to the fact they are located in the Brisbane Water National Park . For example, the stepped pyramid form, as found near Cooktown, and also at the Gympie colony [to be studied in Part 2 of this series] belong to the 3rd dynasty of Egypt, about 2650 BC, and therefore it is certain that the Far North Qld colony was established about this period. The stone is decorated with an inscription of a symbolic sun and two bowing snakes facing away from each other. Greg also found that the existing side of the pyramid faces south-east, making it unsuitable for wine growing, Vine cultivators are advised to use areas facing north. The group claims how 'Walsh's Pyramid', located some 30 minutes west of the popular Australian coastal city, stands a staggering 922 meters in height. Their claims are often identified with the pyramid debate, but the . The Pyramidal structure is 100 foot high and consists of a series of terraces up to 4 feet tall and eight feet across constructed of small and larger lumps of stone. Brett J. To date their purpose in doing so remains unknown.28. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. However, at the present time it can only be concluded the pyramid was built by unknown people for an unknown purpose. Mick Dale, Personal Communication (PC), 6. [14], The summit of the pyramid was claimed to have a megalithic stone circle, which early settlers allegedly described as thirteen pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow centre. Early settlers naturally regarded the pyramid as an easy source of stone and it was quarried to supply new buildings, doing much damage and removing all the inscribed stones. Michael English said the pyramid originally had a vortex on the top used to help spacecraft take off. Inspection of the soil in the terraces reveals only poor or rather thin native soils, becoming sandy in the top trenches, and show no sign of backfilling with more fertile soils. Re: Gympie Pyramid Field, Queensland, and the heiroglyphs of New South Wales. One can also meditate on saving the pyramid, and ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid. I was interested in trying to discover whether or not there was much hard evidence for the sort [], From New Dawn 86 (Sept-Oct 2004) In his bookPerpetual War for Perpetual PeaceGore Vidal suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word conspiracy with a smirk and a chuckle. More recently, a passenger flying across central Australia saw a pyramid in the desert north of Alice Springs. Required fields are marked *. The archaeological value of these objects has been reduced by them being taken out of context, but they are still interesting. This was destroyed when the pyramid was bombarded by banana shaped aircraft, possibly from Atlantis. Work with a bobcat in 2007 revealed how very poor the soils in the terraces were.9, The aborigines did not build the pyramid, and are not known too have constructed stone terraces anywhere in Australia, or to have shaped stones. By the time of the second observation, McPhersons Paddock had been surveyed for the purposes of gold mining leases, one of which had been taken up in 1875 by a Swiss miner with an interest in horticulture, named John William Cauper. Enigma all until now and the heiroglyphs of New South Wales the railway is said to the! And ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid the newly constructed pyramid another... Identified with the pyramid is not really a pyramid in Australia claimed carvings of Egyptian discovered..., 27 March 2007 near Gosford ) NSW Australia in the outskirts of Gympie by brett Green Celebrated by?! 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