Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin, after serving under Vladimir Lenin, came into political power after his death. Another great read: 10 Wealthiest African Politicians. He subsequently became longest-tenured head of state, reigning from 1978 to 1988. Sadly, every once in a while, politicians and leaders decide to do things their own way (much to the dismay of the masses). Number one by a landslide, Stalin mixed a take-charge attitude with a beautifully coiffed head of hair, forever in a perfect bedhead. He led to the, (Ugandan Dictator Who Is Considered One of the Most Brutal Despots in World History). Instead, he used them for his own personal gain and committed some of the worst atrocities in history. Dictators like Genghis Khan and Adolf Hitler crossed far beyond the boundary of war and genocide, initiating unspeakable atrocities. He had also been the minister of defense and finance, among others. Pol Pot 11. Cause DAT ASS. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands, including members of his own family, which he systematically murdered. In that sense, Kim Jong Il was "the most successful dictator in modern history.". From ruthless dictators (many of which are considered the worst dictators ever) to lesser-known tinpot dictators in history - this list of dictators and rulers of totalitarian regiemes should help answer the question, "who are the most famous dictators in the world?". Julius Caesar. He also tortured dozens of foreigners for suspicion of spying, lied to weapons inspectors, and carried out acts of ethnic cleansing. Special thanks to our users Dave Strauss, hardcorelegend101, Miroljub Milisavljevic, FatefulEnd522, Cal Smith and Jacob Frey for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page! Idi Amin started his career as a cook with the British colonial army of Uganda and became an army commander later. 30. He was finally ousted by Che Guevara at the Battle of Santa Clara, as part of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement. (Supreme Leader of North Korea from 1997 to 2011), (President of the Republic of Poland 1989-1990, Prime Minister of Poland 1981-1985), Known as the destroyer of Burma, Myanmars former dictator, president, and prime minister General Ne Win practically reduced the once-prosperous nation to its mere shadow. He spent four years as the Russian Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012, though most experts believe he was still calling the shots. Number five is Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay who was a Paraguayan military dictator who seized power . He was the absolute dictator of Germany from 1934 to 1945. A revolutionary, politician and political theorist, Muammar Gaddafi seized power in Libya from King Idris in a bloodless coup in 1969 and became its authoritarian dictator for more than 40 years. This list of the most notable and famous dictators in the world is ordered by their level of importance and notoriety. He initially gained popularity and support; however, later, his increased dominance, support for international terrorism, and human rights violation turned people against him. Even though Idi Amin Dada ruled Uganda for only eight years from 1971 to 1979, he took full advantage of his time in command, putting his wrath on full display. 10. He was a controversial leader and his rule has been described as a dictatorship. As long as we're on to the subject of fascist dictators and Donald Trump being compared to Adolf Hitler in major urban newspapers, I thought I should speak up on behalf of fascist dictator. Following his revolution against the Habsburg Empire, he was named the dictator of Hungary by Lajos Kossuth. The ten films on this list, including one documentary, one mini-series and one fictional biopic, show the role of dictators throughout history as well as their own personal struggles. Famous 20th Century Dictators Right Icon This ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet. An anti-government protest (the Romanian Revolution) broke out in 1989 and his government was overthrown subsequently. Recently Miley Cyrus ranked #1 on Maxims annual Hot 100 list, beating out the likes of Beyonce, Sofia Vergara, Mila Kunis and Hoda Kotb, who placed all the way down at #79. He died in a plane crash in Bahawalpur. He is most famous for committing numerous war crimes against China, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines. As the third president of Uganda, Idi Amin ruthlessly abused his powers and his rule was characterized by rampant abuse of human rights, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, and wide spread corruption. List25 is a registered trademark. The notorious dictators on this list are responsible for some of history's most heartbreaking events, so before you go on reading, "trigger alert" - but that goes without saying. Let us never forgetthe human rights atrocities perpetrated by these tyrannical despots. Nevertheless, his time as emperor caused the deaths of millions. At this point, many religious folks like to point out that the top two were atheists, which obviously means that atheism is evil, corrupt, immoral, and leads to atrocities. During the four years he held power in Cambodia, about 1 million people died due to starvation, imprisonment, forced labor, and murder. He lost so much respect from his people that he ended up blaming the US for the nations suffering, spreading the news that the biggest superpower had spread an epidemic throughout the countryside. Her elicit activities have further destabilized and denigrated the name of Bangladesh. Nicolae Ceauescu was a Romanian politician who served as the first president of the country. Described as one of the last of the great dictators of the 20th century, his regime caused the deaths of at least 250,000 Iraqis. (Former President of the Dominican Republic), (10th President of Pakistan Who Served from 2001 to 2008), (Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979). In fiction, dictatorship has sometimes been portrayed as the political system of choice for controlling dystopian societies in books, video games, TV and movies. Known as El Supremo, he banned all foreign trade in his bid to make Paraguay self-sufficient, thus eventually weaking it and curbing personal freedom. He formed the constitution of Cuba. Hitler also started World War Two, in his conquest for "living space", which led to millions of deaths. Idi Amin started his career as a cook with the British colonial army of Uganda and became an army commander later. 6] 1878 5 March 1953) was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who led the Soviet Union from the, Mao Zedong (; December 26, 1893 September 9, 1976), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who became the founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which, Hitler Tested Cyanide On His Own Dog To Make Sure It Was Lethal, 13 Events With Major Unexpected Historical Consequences, The Most Important Leaders In World History, 12 Historical Figures Ranked By Roommate Potential. Rank the most Brutal Famous 20th Century Dictators, (Soviet Political Leader & Dictator Who Led the Soviet Union from 1922 Until His Death in 1953), (Dictator of Italy and Principal Founder of Fascism Who Was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943. Contemporary historians doubt whether some of these dictatorships actually occurred. Vladimir Lenin was kicked out of college for participating in anti-Tsarist protests. A dictatorship is a state ruled by one dictator or by a small clique. Right IconThis ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet. He hasbeen accused of human rights violations and is said to have ordered the execution of several North Korean officials. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ho Chi Minh became president of North Vietnam by means of violence and fear. His reign was repressive and totalitarian and was marked by food scarcity. He maintains near-absolute control over his corporation, going so far as to keep tabs on each individual, and a joke in the setting is that he eats incompetent employees as snacks. Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1887 (Photo Credit: VCG Wilson/Corbis via Getty Images) He . 2023 , Kompelling, LLC dba Why Stuff Sucks . This means that the ruler or party has complete control. 14. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 10. Kargil infiltration, confrontation with India and a steep rise in Pakistans GDP marked the presidency of the now-retired four-star general. Sure, they were responsible for some of the most violent and deadly atrocities and history, but as Maxim shows, it doesnt matter who you are so long as youre willing to take your clothes off. For example, he insisted that he knew more about farming than, ahem, farmers, and ordered that crops be planted way closer together. 10. His brief tenure as the de facto president was one of the bloodiest periods during the then-ongoing Guatemalan Civil War. It's easy to dehumanize them in your mind, but there were actually many dictators who painted and plenty of other dictators who had weird collections. 2) Josef Stalin - 1878-1953. He is a fascist. Evil dictators are so fetch. Historians have been able to piece together some facts about his rule based on the 13 edicts of Ashoka which he got inscribed. Saddam was . He was deposed in a coup d'tat the same yearand subsequently arrested and convicted on multiple corruption charges. Ion Antonescu. Poor Hoda. Others who experienced famine and seclusion in war camps numbered over 1 million. He even wrote to his brother Theo saying that he'd become "almost an alcoholic as a result of overdoing it.". His policies left millions dead. Juvnal Habyarimana was a Rwandan politician whose presidency, which spanned from 1973 until his death in 1994, was responsible for pushing Rwanda into extreme poverty. (Soviet Political Leader & Dictator Who Led the Soviet Union from 1922 Until His Death in 1953), (Dictator of Italy and Principal Founder of Fascism Who Was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943. (Supreme Leader of North Korea from 1997 to 2011), (President of the Republic of Poland 1989-1990, Prime Minister of Poland 1981-1985), Known as the destroyer of Burma, Myanmars former dictator, president, and prime minister General Ne Win practically reduced the once-prosperous nation to its mere shadow. There are, however, a number of women who have come pretty close to being dictators. In the future, we plan to look at the worst dictators of every continent, except Australia and Antarctica of course. Wrong. His assassination on 6 April 1994 helped spark the Rwandan genocide, which had lasting effects on Rwanda. He was eventually overthrown. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is said to have risen to power via electoral deception and fearmongering. Dictators in Americas Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai President of Afghanistan Abdelmadjid Tebboune President of Algeria Joo Loureno President of Angola Ilham Aliyev President of Azerbaijan Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa King of Bahrain Alexander Lukashenko President of Belarus Haji Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei variste Ndayishimiye President of Burundi Paul Biya All in all, Genghis Khan killed nearly 10% of the worlds population at the time. He humiliated one even further by demanding he write an entire book telling him how great he was. If this list doesnt scare and sober us into being wary of the corrupting power of leadership if not wielded well, then we may be ready to be led down a bad path by a tyrannical leader. Benito Mussolini 3. He used. His myriad ridiculous rules and changes to everyday routines would have made all Turkmen openly despise him, had he not threatened them with imprisonment for speaking out against them. In his defense, most of them he killed somewhat accidentally, by instituting some preposterous ideas. Years in power: 28 years +. Emperor Hirohito reigned in Japan during World War II and although the accusations made against his leadership are not as significant as some others on this list, the debate still rages as to whether or not he was responsible for the war crimes committed by his military and how much control he really had. Controversial Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin, ruled the Soviet Union for around 25 years from 1929 to 1953 and is credited for making it a prominent industrial and military power of the world. - Advertisement -. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. He also put his face on every bit of currency, news channel, and nearly every street corner to make sure his people really knew who was in charge. Julia Agrippina is a must-have for any history buff or collector. On second thought, maybe he didn't; he appointed his 3-year-old son as colonel. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Theres a reason Americans voted for him twice: He cant get the pronunciation of anything right, but he can get it whenever he wants. His Great Leap Forward plan, which included his genius dont be shy, guys crop innovation, caused the greatest famine in history, killing nearly 40 million people. Lenin described himself as being in love with Marx. Director: Ken Loach | Stars: Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Icar Bollan, Tom Gilroy. While he was in power, the Dominican Republic witnessed large-scale violence and his 31-year-rule is regarded as one of the bloodiest eras in the Americas. So who are those infamous/famous dictators? 14. This man once ranked first in the top ten worst dictators and ruled the country for about 30 years. Rafael Lenidas Trujillo Molina was a Dominican dictator. All Rights Reserved. Kim Jong-Il (1.6 million deaths) Kim Jong-il in 2010. Jos Gaspar Rodrguez de Francia went down in history as the first dictator of Paraguay. Augusto Pinochet (Chile) One of the most well-known dictators of Latin America, Augusto Pinochet directed the 1973 coup d'tat against Salvador Allende. #famous #dictator Infamous dictators of the world are often thought of as tyrants - leaders who rule with iron fists, cruelty, unflinching authority, and a l. Photo: Pictures From History (modified by author) Pervez Musharraf is a former Pakistani President and army chief who overthrew his countrys elected government in a coupto assume power as its chief executive. Kargil infiltration, confrontation with India and a steep rise in Pakistans GDP marked the presidency of the now-retired four-star general. Then his father recalled him to his home country of Syria, and groomed him to take his place as dictator. In 1969, he led a putsch that secured him power, and shortly after he blackmailed all oil producers in his country to start handing him more money. Here are just some of his other weird changes, ideas, and practices: -He re-wrote the national anthem to be about him, -He created a new alphabet for the country to use, -He banned makeup, recorded music, and dogs from the capital, -He made it so foreigners had to pay to be married to Turkmen women, -Whenever he fired somebody, he did it on national television, -He wanted an ice palace to be built in the middle of the desert. Qin Shi Huang. Robert Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe is another dictator who is often compared to Adolf Hitler for the immeasurable cruelty he inflicted on the people. The two were close allies from the start, forming an alliance called the 'Berlin-Rome axis'. Vincent Van Gogh. North Korea continues to be one of the most repressive governments in the world with the world's lowest human rights record. Adolf Hitler 2. List of fictional dictators Adenoid Hinkle (played by Charlie Chaplin) and Napaloni (played by Jack Oakie) parody Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, respectively In fiction, dictatorship has sometimes been portrayed as the political system of choice for controlling dystopian societies in books, video games, TV and movies. With the money, he underwent plastic surgery to make himself look younger, constructed lavish mansions, and travelled with his own bulletproof tents with him when he travelled, which he would pitch next to the hotel he was meant to stay in. Keep saying it, and eventually people will believe it. Kim Jong-Il had nearly a quarter million people arrested during his rule and is directly responsible for the starvation and deaths of million of North Koreans. Trujillo took over the Dominican Republic after being trained by the US Marines. Ho Chi Minh became president of North Vietnam by means of violence and fear. Their solution? Glass ceiling broken, MRAs. Bashar al-Assad is the current president of Syria andhas been serving in this position since 17 July 2000. He assumed this position from his father Kim Il-sung in 1994 and served in this position until his own death in 2011. Niyazov won hollow victories in elections by imprisoning his political rivals. He is appreciated for numerous development work but is criticised for his authoritarian regime and policies which resulted in millions ofdeaths. If you like Antonio Banderas or Benjamin Bratt, youll fall in love with Cubas sexiest paranoid psychopath. After deposing the Ugandan president, he declared himself the president. The Young People Who Traverse Dimensions While Wearing Sunglasses, What its like to live with Crohns Disease, How Narcissists And Psychopaths Create Powerful Trauma Bonds: 6 Common Manipulative Tactics. Mugabe is that person. He is also a lying, tyrannical douchebag, like most other notorious dictators. To most people, Adolf Hitler does not need much of an introduction as he was famous for being the leader of the Nazis a German party that was responsible for the deaths of over 17 million people including 6 million Jews. The number of deaths riled up to 500,000, earning him the name of one of the deadliest dictators in the world. Fulgencio Batista 10. Efran Ros Montt was a Guatemalan politician and military officer. Nothing justifies any of the atrocities committed by the notorious dictators on this list, but now that they're all said and done, morbid curiosity permits one to study them for even the most gruesome details. Country: Liberia. Objectify away in the comments. Gaius Julius Caesar, commonly known by his nickname Caligula (which means little soldiers boot"), was a nutcase, although a brain disorder may have been the cause of many of his eccentricities. He was awarded capital punishment for treason, but the court order was annulled later. Robert Owen (1870-1924) Early socialist pioneer. Mugabe started prosecuting and throwing white people out of his country in 2000, after he amended the constitution to allow him to do so. Another dictator who seemed to be trigger happy with his land reforms, over 100,000 people were executed as a result. 8. He considered his slaughtering a remedy to his unquenchable thirst for blood, apparently. As communist leader of Cambodia, Pol Pot envisioned a country that would be equal by any means. After deposing the Ugandan president, he declared himself the president. Total pantydropper. Romanian dictators put themselves in great danger by seizing power - almost as much danger as being Kim Jong Un's relative. Make it simple. According to North Korean prophecy, his Almighty sexiness was divinely prophesized. Read on to learn about the top dictators from history and today. Make the lie big. He won Russias hearts as their dream hipster boyfriend, sensitive but with a take-charge spirit. A former military officer, he is the founder of the National Congress Party that remained the dominant political party in the country until 2019. Know for his inability to control the military and inept command, he probably wasnt nearly as deadly as he was incapable. Kim Jong Il ruled North Korea from 1997 until his death in 2011. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Then his father recalled him to his home country of Syria, and groomed him to take his place as dictator. 25 Mind-Blowing Space Discoveries You've Never Heard Of. Pol Pot was a Cambodian politician who served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 and 1979. Here is our list of the most famous assassinations in history. As a Roman empress, she was known for her intelligence, political savvy, and ruthless nature. During the Second World War, his army defeated the Nazis too. Enver Hoxha 16. Here are some of the more noteworthy men who have held dictatorial powers in their home nations. Browse on to learn more interesting facts about the life of famous dictators from all over the world. He was also ranked 19th in Parade Magazine's Top 20 list of "The World's Worst Dictators". It emerges in, This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 17:50. Indira Gandhi (no relation to the most famous Gandhi) ruled as Prime Minister of India during prolonged periods from the 1960s to the 1980s. Someone who enjoys it when people compare them to Hitler is veritably insane. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This list of 55 infamous, despotic quotes isbothshockingand soberinga cautionary tale from history. Accused of crimes against humanity, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death in 2006. Subsequently, Franco ruled over Spain as a dictator from 1939 to 1975. He forced the communization of the Unions farms, and murdered farmers who refused to hand their land over. He was also very mentally unstable, exhibiting many signs of bipolar disorder. From famous gladiators, the ancient Roman superstars, to powerful emperors that made a long-lasting impact, here is a list of the top 10 famous people of ancient Rome: 10. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. After all, history's worst moments are by far the most interesting. He had such an impact as a dictator that the period between the Nationalist victory and Franco's death is known as Francoist Spain in the history of Spain. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. From ruthless dictators (many of which are considered the worst dictators ever) to lesser-known tinpot dictators in history - this list of dictators and rulers of totalitarian. Described as one of the last of the great dictators of the 20th century, his regime caused the deaths of at least 250,000 Iraqis. But I think that since I am being discussed, then I am on the right track." Before his recent death, North Korea's 'Supreme Leader,'. Francisco Franco 9. Saddam was deposed in 2003 when a U.S led coalition invaded Iraq. He was finally ousted by Che Guevara at the Battle of Santa Clara, as part of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement. In 2011, his decision to impose military sieges on protesters participating in the Arab Spring resulted in theongoingSyrian Civil War. He was also the countrys first president. With many intellectuals and activists not in favor of his leadership, Stalin also launched the Great Purge, killing every person who opposed him and his ideals. As an army man, he overthrew President Arnulfo Arias in a coup in 1968 and became the de facto ruler of Panama a few years later. A real mans man, Putin isnt afraid to ride bears or take candidly shirtless photo ops in the wilderness, a real Burt Reynolds type. For example, he murdered his half-brother when he refused to share food. Ceauescu's communist government was totalitarian and was responsible for human rights abuses and severe repression. -Executed thousands of people, some for no reason other than for his own amusement, -Built a two mile floating bridge (on a dare, naturally). As he got older, he started to look like Carlos Santana mixed with Rosario from Will and Grace, but as a young thing, Gaddafi was a fine piece of fascist ass. This Man of Steel became dictator of the Soviet Union by discrediting and eliminating rivals. This tyrants association with vampires and Dracula are well placed. Without checks and balances, laws, and proper institutions in place, tyrants and dictators can quickly consolidate power and cause a tremendous amount of suffering. While he was in power, the Dominican Republic witnessed large-scale violence and his 31-year-rule is regarded as one of the bloodiest eras in the Americas. He later became a dictator through a coup. Mswati III. 12 Bashar al-Assad via Bashar al-Assad was busily studying ophthalmology in England, when sadly his brother died. As a colonial leader of Belgium, Leopold II was famous for essentially enslaving and killing nearly 15 million Congolese under the guise of his Congo Free State. Charles McArthur Ghanakay Taylor's life story is akin to that of a movie. I live for the business results we get for our clients, and love coaching others to level up their digital marketing and leadership skills. Kim Jong-il was the second Supreme Leader of North Korea. Widely considered a totalitarian dictator, Pol Pot was responsible for the Cambodian genocide, which resulted in the death of 1.5 to 2 million people. His work Das Capital, formed the basis of Marxism. Who would have thought? Who the hell gets kicked out of art school twice? Adolf Hitler, one of the most notorious dictators to have ever walked the earth was someone who is almost synonymous with the word. But despite his experience on the battlefield, he was still very bad at leading an army as he lost battle after battle. 10 Cruelest Dictators Here is a list of the top 10 cruelest dictators. Probably no one in history has received more assassination attempts than Vladimir Lenin. In 2013, he was sentenced to 80 years in prison for crimes against humanity and genocide. After reporting that victory, his self-appointed title His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular became a little longer. Anastasio Somoza Garcia, First of the Somoza Dictators Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Not only was Anastasio Somoza (1896-1956) a dictator, he founded a whole line of them, as his two sons followed in his footsteps after his death. That last sentence is not true, but it's as ridiculous as the sentence that preceded it, which, sadly, is true. His matinee idol cheekbones were the envy of every man in Libya. Transcript . He is also most infamous for his ordering the Rape of Nanking, which killed almost 300,000 victims and 200,000 women sexually assaulted. Mussolini invited a nation of Italians to the gunshow, and we were happy to attend. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the last emperor of Germany up until 1918. It just goes to show: being happy with what you got beats well, a shamble of a caretaker government. A dictator is a leader who holds absolute authority and an extraordinary degree of personal power. 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