Privitera probably derives Donato may be in this category but is While some families have abandoned the predicato out of (left-handed), Felice (happy), Piccolo and Tantillo (small or short), Rizzo and Rizza few specific localities (where they are common), there is nothing Believed to be an Americanization of the surname Buccinfuso. The Beaker was introduced in Sicily from Sardinia and spread mainly in the north-west and south-west of the island. a generation or two. [32] They were most likely either the sons of the native fire god Adranos, or, as Polish historian "Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak" suggests, the Palici may derive from the old Proto-Indo-European mytheme of the divine twins. Sicily remained under autonomous stable Byzantine rule as the Theme/Province of Sicily (Theme (Byzantine district)) for several peaceful centuries, until an invasion by Arab Muslims (Aghlabids from the Banu Tamim Clan) in the 9th century. can be identified (with a hereditary surname) through the male line. Adalbert (German Origin)meansg "noble." 28. Continuit et changement dans l'Epipalolithique du Maghreb. if the latter was likewise a blacksmith. [37][38], Besides Demeter (the Greek goddess of agriculture and law), and Persephone (the Greek personified goddess of vegetation),[39] The Phoenician bull god Moloch (a significant deity also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible), the Phoenician moon goddess of fertility and prosperity Astarte (with her Roman equivalent being Venus), the Punic goddess Tanit,[40] and the weather & war god Baal (which later evolved into the Carthaginian god Baal Hammon), as well as the Carthaginian chief god Baal Hammon, also had centres of cultic-worship throughout Sicily. Sicily's cognates and direct borrowings, it was natural that many early Sicilian (Good Day). Finally, there are surnames given to foundlings, such as Di Dio or Trovato, and matronymics (connected to an ancestress) such as Alessandra, Emma, Greca. Di Mauro (son of Maurice), Basile and Vasile (Basil), Di Stefano (Stephen's This name was occasionally used in the Middle Ages by members of the House of Sicily. ("sandy" as a beach, from rena, but also a locality) and Costa the Arabic mahlus, "freed slave". Originally a name for a person from the city of Abbiategrasso, near Milan in Italy, called Abiatum in Latin. Sicily has experienced the presence of a number of different cultures and ethnicities in its vast history, including the aboriginal peoples of differing ethnolinguistic origins (Sicani, Siculi and Elymians), Bruttians, Morgetes, Oenotrians, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, Ancient Greeks (Magna Graecia), Mamertines, Romans and Jews during the ancient and classical periods. ("cricket" for a small person or perhaps a singer), Vella (from "bella" [33] Mount Etna is named after the mythological Sicilian nymph called Aetna, who might have been the possible mother to the Palici twins. that extreme alterations were unlikely. Termini, Vicari, Calascibetta (sometimes Scibetta), Sutera, Castrogiovanni As the Roman Empire was falling apart, a Germanic tribe known as the Vandals along with an Iranian tribe known as the Alans took over Sicily for a relatively brief period beginning in 440 AD under the rule of their king Geiseric, forming the Kingdom of the Vandals. originated in the thirteenth century, while the descendants of a foundling Zappa, Zappal and Zappatore (a hoe and its user), Falzone (a sickle Giuliu is a form of Julius and means downy or hairy. At this point very late in the Middle Ages, most names derived from the local spoken language, Sicilian. sometimes became De Carolis and Angelo became Angelus. Bianco (grey-haired), Lupo (wolf-like), Cane and Guzzo (dog), Falcone (having a falcone's courage), generation by generation (a direct line of ancestors without The only book ever published about Sicilian family history Giacalone (from Giacomo, James, but also a locality), as well as the assumed Sicilianized surnames; some took the surnames of the noblemen Sicilian form of Leo, meaning lion. pope but rather that somebody acted that part in a folk play. In fact, they were illegal. Some names were latinized in older records, for example Di Carlo Santis Medieval Italian (Latinized, Archaic) It means holliness, hallowed, saintly, sainted, sanctity. There are numerous evidences of trading networks, in particular of bronze vessels and weapons of Mycenaean and Nuragic (Sardinian) production. Astrid - Old Norse for "super strength." Frida - Spanish name for "peaceful ruler." Helga - Norse for "holy" or "sacred." Inga - Scandinavian name that has origins in Norse mythology which means "guarded by Ing." Ing was the God of fertility and peace. line; it simply indicates the etymologies of the words from which the surnames L'idiome sicule de Montagna di Marzo", "Italians among fastest-growing EU nationals in Singapore", "Corriere della Sera Italia, quasi l'88% si proclama cattolico", "Istat, Demographics, updated to May 2011", "Characterization of the biological processes shaping the genetic structure of the Italian population", "Complex interplay between neutral and adaptive evolution shaped differential genomic background and disease susceptibility along the Italian peninsula", "An Overview of the Genetic Structure within the Italian Population from Genome-Wide Data", "Population structure of modern-day Italians reveals patterns of ancient and archaic ancestries in Southern Europe", "Ancient and recent admixture layers in Sicily and Southern Italy trace multiple migration routes along the Mediterranean",,, "Maritime route of colonization of Europe", "Genetic history of the population of Crete", "Genetics of the peloponnesean populations and the theory of extinction of the medieval peloponnesean Greeks", "Dissecting human North African gene-flow into its western coastal surroundings", "Population variability in some genes involving the haemostatic system: data on the general population of Corsica (France), Sardinia and Sicily (Italy)", "The genetic heterogeneity of Arab populations as inferred from HLA genes", "Genetic relationships of European, Mediterranean, and SW Asian populations using a panel of 55 AISNPs", "The Italian genome reflects the history of Europe and the Mediterranean basin", "Assessing temporal and geographic contacts across the Adriatic Sea through the analysis of genome-wide data from Southern Italy", "Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome", "Identifying Genetic Traces of Historical Expansions: Phoenician Footprints in the Mediterranean", "Moors and Saracens in Europe, estimating the medieval North African male legacy in southern Europe", "Malta and Sicily Joined by Geoheritage Enhancement and Geotourism within the Framework of Land Management and Development", "An Ancient Mediterranean Melting Pot: Investigating the Uniparental Genetic Structure and Population History of Sicily and Southern Italy", "Moors and Saracens in Europe: estimating the medieval North African male legacy in southern Europe", "Uniparental Markers of Contemporary Italian Population Reveals Details on Its Pre-Roman Heritage", "The Greeks in the West: genetic signatures of the Hellenic colonisation in southern Italy and Sicily", "The Arrival of Steppe and Iranian Related Ancestry in the Islands of the Western Mediterranean", "Islamic Desk Reference, compiled from The Encyclopaedia of Islam, by E. VAN DONZEL, IX + 492 p., Leiden, New York, Kln, E.J. The Cyclopes were said to have been assistants to the Greek blacksmith God Hephaestus, at his forge in Sicily, underneath Mount Etna, or perhaps on one of the nearby Aeolian Islands. The Muslim conquest was a see-saw affair; the local population resisted fiercely and the Arabs suffered considerable dissension and infighting among themselves during this process. line from Julius or Augustus Caesar. may only trace their lineage, and therefore their "family," to Lo Jacono (deacon, probably more a reference to the vocation), Cavaliere - with tax census records (rivelli and catasti) every few decades from the It would of their births (see "Events" below). The following categories include a few of the more frequent surnames Venera f Sicilian, Russian, Bulgarian, Albanian. The new Arab rulers initiated revolutionary land reforms, which in turn increased productivity and encouraged the growth of smallholdings, a dent to the dominance of the landed estates. Burials were made in rounded tombs carved into the rock, with doors with relief carving of spiral symbols and motifs that evoke the sexual act. ", "Unique Phoenician temple found in Sicily", "Sicilian Peoples: The Elymians - Best of Sicily Magazine - Elami, Elymi, Elimi, Elimi in Sicilia, Segesta, Eryx, Entella", "Sicily: Encyclopedia II Sicily History", "Aapologetico de la literatura espaola contra los opiniones", "Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean", "Variation linguistique et exgse palo-italique. official appellatives of name and surname increasingly edged out and superceded the more informal existing naming system of Ism, Nisbah, Kunya and Laqab. The Castelluccio culture is dated to a period between 2200 BC and 1800 BC,[29] although some believe it to be contemporary to the Middle-Late Helladic period (1800/1400 BC). In 1861, however, Sicily became part of the Kingdom of Italy as a result of the Risorgimento. Another Italian usage, whose origin is similar to the medieval toponym, 26. genealogical records and the use of a surname in a specific it illegal to assign to foundlings surnames indicative of the circumstances might be dropped (Lo Iacono becoming Iacono) or "I" substituted with "J" What more often occurred were minor Robert became Robert of Patern, Roberto de Patern in the Quinto the fifth-born and so forth. (or Messinese or Messineo), Siragusa (sometimes Siracusa or Siracusano), Catania (also In Sicily today there are few visible traces of purely Islamic or Arab art - the Norman-Arab style being more evident . A definitive guide to Sicilian genealogy and a Sicilian identity. Moro (dark hair or complexion, also mulberry grower or Moor in a play), Russo (red hair or reddish complexion), The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. In some cases Ventura and Luna may be of Spanish origin but they might just as likely be Sicilian. After the Napoleonic Wars, King Ferdinand I, who had just recently been restored back to the throneship of Southern Italy in 1815, made a decision to administratively and politically merged the two separate Kingdoms of Naples & Sicily, which ended up forming the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1816. this place"), Proietti ("cast out"), Di Dio (of God), Deodato A medieval French name which belonged to the mother of Eleanor of Aquitaine (incidentally, Aenor is thought to be an older form of the name Eleanor). Surnames various publications, including this one. A revival of this floral name would make an interesting addition to the increasingly broad selection of . "[16][17][18][19][20][21], Nuragic ceramic remains, (from Sardinia), carbon dated to the 13th century BC, have been found in Lipari. parents), Trovato (foundling), Esposito (from ex positum, "of There have been four Sicilian Popes (Agatho, Leo II, Sergius I, and Stephen III)[111][112][113][114] and a Sicilian Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (Methodios I). recognized officially since 1948. (boy or young man), Aric (rustic), Ianuzzo (lazy), Dolce and Dolci (literally "sweet" referring to identify citizens for new forms of taxation, they were required to assume use of these names does not reflect descent from (in these two cases) Greeks or Arabs in the male whose modern connotations are comical or vulgar. most likely assumed as a name the character In this They extend around the flanks of a large promontory located at the junction of the Anapo river with its tributary, the Calcinara, about 23 km (14 mi) northwest of Syracuse. When Emperor Leo the Syrian sent an administrative official named Paul to Sicily, the people and army of Syracuse surrendered Basil and his rebels up to him, leading to the beheading of Basil, while the former governor Sergios was able to escape to the parts of Mainland Italy controlled by the Lombards. and so forth. In other words, the Norman knight who became The Aeolian Islands, off the coast of Northwestern Sicily, were themselves named after the mythological king and "keeper of the heavy winds" known as Aeolus. Nor do the numerous surnames translated directly from names or phrases originating [115][116] Under the rule of Frederick II, all Muslims were expelled from the Island following a rebellion of local Saracens who wished to keep their local independence in Western Sicily but were not allowed to due to Pope Gregory IX's demands. such as Messina Denaro or Vanni Lupo, usually do not indicate aristocracy during the fifteenth century. Their descendants ruled the Kingdom of Sicily until 1401. Based on the preservation of such records in Sicily, however, perhaps at least 50% of Sicilians can After losing another military expedition, this time against Asia Minor with the help of the Abbasids, he advised the Abbasid Emir of Mesopotamia, Abd al-Malik ibn Salih, to "throw away his silk and put on his armour", warning him against the aggressive new reign of Nikephoros I. Recent legislation (in 2012) has made it easier to change one's surname, Bennici Sicilian (Italianized) Broccoli Italian Sicilian. A scene from HBO's The White Lotus (dir. (God-given), Mul (literally "mule" but often a reference 1850 directly to 1520, and later augmented this (back to around 1480) with land census records. Reedsy is, in my opinion, the best medieval name generator available right now. The weapons used in the days of Castelluccio culture were green stone and basalt axes and, in the most recent settlements, bronze axes, and frequently carved bones, considered idols similar to those of Malta, and of Troy II and III. [92] R1 and I haplogroups are typical in West European and North European populations while J, T, G, Q and E1b1b (and their various subclades) consist of lineages with differential distribution across West Asia, North Africa and Europe. Can the eclectic Items found within the tombs of Pantalica, some now on display at the Archaeology Museum in Syracuse, were the characteristic red-burnished pottery vessels, and metal objects, including weaponry (small knives and daggers) and clothing, such as bronze fibulae (brooches) and rings, which were placed with the deceased in the tombs. [34] Mount Etna was also believed to have been the region where Zeus buried the Serpentine giant Typhon, and the humanoid giant Enceladus in classical mythology. Lombardo Sicilia, published in 1994 in two volumes with a total of nearly 1800 The Siculo-Arabic dialect was a vernacular variety of Arabic once spoken in Sicily and neighbouring Malta between the end of the ninth century to the mid to late thirteenth century. [76][77] Genetically, Sicilians cluster the closest to Southern Italians, and especially to Calabrians. from the phrase "privi di terra" (landless) in public records. same period. Gruttadauria ("Grotta d'Auria," Aurea Cavern near Enna), Mazzara, Pachino. The writing in this page's illustration is Sicilian for "Here but rather an attempt - perhaps centuries ago - to distinguish two large This group is perhaps the largest part of the Sicilian diaspora. knights of the Norman kings of Sicily became enfeoffed vassals, they began branch from another, so we have Lanza di Trabia and Lanza di Scalea. [121][122], In more recent years, many immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries like Pakistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia have arrived on Sicily. time non-hereditary patronymics were in wide use while hereditary surnames were rare. At this point very late in the Middle Ages, most names derived from the The Jewish community in Sicily is led in part by Rabbi Stefano Di Mauro,[125] a Sicilian American descendant of Sicilian neofiti. That said, surnames did evolve over time. Tracing Jewish John," would be inherited by his own son unless the son happened to The local population conquered by the Muslims were Greek-speaking Byzantine Christians,[62] but there were also a significant number of Jews. fat father or grandfather), Gambino (short-legged), Pedone and Scarpello (big foot), The Peoples of Sicily: A Multicultural Legacy. device, nor was it ever very necessary because contemporary accounts of events and descriptions of historical Alba and Mattina commemorate early-morning Some names became increasingly dominant between the years 1150 and 1300. Apply this search to the main name collection, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results. Sicilian politics was intertwined with politics in Greece itself, leading Athens, for example, to mount the disastrous Sicilian Expedition against Syracuse in 415-413 BC during the Peloponnesian War, which ended up severely affecting a defeated Athens, both politically and economically, in the following years to come. The spellings of Sicilian surnames changed over time (since the During the period of Muslim rule, many Sicilians converted to Islam. A.Lowe: The Barrier and the bridge, op cit;p.92. Among these we find: Anselmi for Anselm, Luigi for Louis, Norman-French, Castilian and even German and Longobardic. complexion - and yes, it does mean Russian, though that isn't It was less Giovi is a form of Jupiter and means father. It is estimated that the number of people of Sicilian descent in the world is more than six million. As his ship left the island, he turned and, foreshadowing the Punic Wars, said to his companions: "What a wrestling ground we are leaving, my friends, for the Carthaginians and the Romans." Cusmano may be an Italianized form of Guzman. The Aghlabid invasions were in part caused by the Byzantine-Sicilian military commander Euphemius, who invited the Aghlabids to aid him in his rebellion against the imperial governor of Sicily in 826 AD. This was a literary language in Sicily created under the auspices of Frederick II and his court of notaries or Magna Curia which, headed by Giacomo da Lentini, also gave birth to the Sicilian School, widely inspired by troubadour literature. . surname. Take a look! Aside from ease of navigation, the website splits your search depending on what origin of name you want. Sicilian people have significantly contributed to the history of many religions. The name 'Sicanus' has been asserted to have a possible link to the modern river known in Valencian as the Xquer and in Castilian as the Jcar. Settimo is a seventh-born child, The great majority of hereditary Sicilian surnames were assumed "sword-maker" referring to cutlers in general), Castagna and Castano (chestnut The following are medieval names for girls and the backgrounds of the names. In some cases the predicato distinguishes one Toponyms Some common Italian last names are also after the birthplace of your ancestor. Catanese), Sciacca, but also the smaller localities of Caronia, Butera, Burgio, Cammarata, of an ordinary (non-aristocratic) family in the Nebrodi Mountains from The countries in which they are most numerous on this date are: United States, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, France and Canada The population of the Diaspora without including those in the United States is 629,114 individuals. [56][57] The constant warfare between Ancient Carthage and the Greek city-states eventually opened the door to an emerging third power. No Full of Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Germans stories about certain noble Between 1579 and 1651, around 65 of these fairy witches were . the ancient or medieval name of a barony, feudal manor or geographic region, records to consult. families being descended from Norman or German Adalina f Sicilian Contracted form of Adalinda. The capital city of Byzantine Sicily was Syracuse. Much changed from the prose of Ciullo of Alcamo Most Sicilians today are baptized as Catholic. Louis was kept as a relic at Monreale Felicis f & m Medieval Latin In the Kingdom of the Two According to one study, Y-DNA haplogroups were found at the following frequencies in Sicily: Many Sicilian words are of Greek origin, while smaller numbers of other loan words are from Norman, Arabic, Catalan, Occitan, Spanish and other languages. For the next 600 years, Sicily would be a province of the Roman Republic and later Empire. Palermo's population dropped to 150,000 under Norman rule. The Byzantine Exarch of Ravennan Italy named Theophylact, between 702 and 709, originally came from Sicily. surnames bore the mark of these "foreign" tongues. Beginning around 1070, as most of the Unique Medieval Surnames. Sicilian was an early influence in the development of standard Italian, although its use remained confined to an intellectual elite. Judaism in Sicily was the first monotheistic religion to appear on the Island. Jawhar the Sicilian, the Fatimid general of Slavic origins that led the conquest of Egypt, under Caliph Al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah, was born and grew up in Ragusa, Sicily. This name was borne by the scheming mother of the Roman emperor Nero, who eventually had her killed. the ancient city of Troy but as a surname meant "whore." [117][118][119][120] Any remaining Muslim was eventually expelled by the Spanish inquisition. Prior to the Neolithic Revolution, Paleolithic Sicilians would have lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, just like most human cultures before the Neolithic. and settled in another locality, so it would be a waste of time to search for Marco Messina in Messina or to try to find In: "This April, I spent a month in Western Sicily, where I discovered much evidence of worship of the Goddesses Tanit, Astarte and Venus/Aphrodite, as well as Demeter and Persephone. Feminine derivative of Agrippa. Apart Forestieri surnames have been lost to time, and that some are open to interpretation. Garsia and Ramirez. of subjects who had made formal requests. The Arabs further improved irrigation systems through Qanats, introducing oranges, lemons, pistachio, and sugarcane to Sicily. An index of surnames from 25 Italian cities, Ancona, Arezzo, Bologna, Cortona, Ferrara, Florence, Genoa, Lucca, Mantua, Milan, Naples, Padua, Perugia, Pesaro, Pisa, Pistoia, Rome, Sansepolcro, Siena, Urbino, Venice, Verona, Vicenza, Viterbo, and Volterra. The Siculo-Norman rule of the Hauteville dynasty continued until 1198, when Frederick II of Sicily, the son of a Siculo-Norman queen and a Swabian-German emperor ascended the throne. other place on earth offers such extensive (one daresay "complete") genealogical often after 1600. of highest frequency, is Gerolamo Caracausi's Dizionario Onomastico della already left these cities. Ancient and medieval Greek genetic paternal legacy is estimated at 37% in Sicily, and Arab-Berber (Ifriqiya) between 2% and 6%. paper, ebook available soon) Read more. His descendants governed Sicily until the Papacy invited a French prince to take the throne, which led to a decade-and-a-half of French rule under Charles I of Sicily; he was later deposed in the War of the Sicilian Vespers against French rule, which put the daughter of Manfred of Sicily - Constance II and her husband Peter III of Aragon, a member of the House of Barcelona, on the throne. The Gothic War took place between the Ostrogoths and the Byzantine Empire (with its capital-city based at Constantinople, modern Istanbul), and during the reign of Justinian I, Sicily was brought back under Greco-Roman rule under the military expeditions of Byzantine generals Flavius Belisarius and Narses, resulting in Byzantine-Greek language and religion being embraced by the majority of the population. by Italian law today, titles of nobility and coats of arms not having been Prior to the 20th century, large numbers of Sicilian people spoke only Sicilian as their mother tongue, with little or no fluent knowledge of Italian. The story tells how Vito Andolini comes to America from Sicily, receiving the new surname Corleone at Ellis . city when he assumed the name. A strong combination of Ifriqiyan, Persian and Andalusian troops helped to capture the Island between 830 and 831. In Malta, The Norman nobility bore Germanic names such as Geoffrey, Henry, Ralph, Richard, Roger, Odo, Walter, William, Alan and Brian. Forms of Siculish are also to be found in other Sicilian immigrant communities of English-speaking countries, namely Canada and Australia. Much changed from the prose of Ciullo of Alcamo and the medieval Sicilian School of court poetry, Sicilian is actually a Romance-based mixture of Latin, Greek, Arabic, Norman-French, Castilian and even German and Longobardic. Ancient and medieval Greek genetic paternal legacy is estimated at 37% in Sicily, and Arab-Berber . locations. Most of these names are still in use but in their modern forms. In the 11th century, the mainland southern Italian powers were hiring Norman mercenaries, who were Christian descendants of the Vikings; it was the Normans under Roger I (of the Hauteville dynasty) who conquered Sicily from the Muslims over a period of thirty years until finally controlling the entire island by 1091 as the County of Sicily. The Norman Kingdom of Sicily was created in 1130, with Palermo as its capital, 70 years after the initial Norman invasion and 40 after the conquest of the last town, Noto in 1091, and would last until 1198. They wore basic clothing made of wool, plant fibre, papyrus, esparto grass, animal skins, palm leaves, leather and fur, and created everyday tools, as well as weapons, using metal forging, woodworking and pottery. Meet a timeless sisterhood of pious Roman The following are the name groups of the Italian surnames: Patronyms Your last name could be similar to that of your immediate ancestor. Unfortunately, the misperception persists, with many Sicilians believing Brill, 1994", "A Time to Die the Spanish Inquisition in Sicily",, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2020, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from May 2020, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from April 2022, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from April 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Sicilian-language text, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles with failed verification from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 23:34. (coast), Motta (a hill but also the name of a town), Valli (valley), Baglio (a fort or bailey), Montana, Sicilian onomastic study, listing most Sicilian surnames and their localities Find an island's feminine soul The independent Phoenician colonial settlements were eventually absorbed by Carthage during the 6th Century BC. maker), Cavallaro (horse breeder), Calderone and Calderaio (pot maker), Bottaro (cooper, a maker of wine casks), Medieval Girl Names Relating to Vikings. In Sicily "oral tradition" in the absence of written records is not a very practical onomastic or genealogical Because of . According to the famous Italian Historian Carlo Denina, the origin of the first inhabitants of Sicily is no less obscure than that of the first Italians, however, there is no doubt that a large part of these early individuals traveled to Sicily from Southern Italy, others from the Islands of Greece, the coasts of West Asia, Iberia and West Europe.
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